Sussmann purchased the USB’s given to the FBI and then billed the Hillary campaign for them – IOTW Report

Sussmann purchased the USB’s given to the FBI and then billed the Hillary campaign for them

If this isn’t a friggin’ SMOKING GUN…


The prosecution and defense have rested in the Michael Sussmann case, leaving the jury to deliberate on a verdict. Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI after telling the bureau that he was not working on behalf of a client when he brought a fake story about Donald Trump and Alfa Bank to them during the 2016 election.

The trial has so far delivered lots of interesting pieces of evidence, including billing statements and witness testimony, showing the FBI itself lied about the situation.

There’s another piece of information that seems to be a smoking gun as well. Durham has produced a receipt that shows Sussmann purchased the USB’s given to the FBI and then billed the Hillary campaign for them.

I have no idea what Sussmann’s defense is at this point, though I understand that he’s got really good lawyers. Still, the evidence remains overwhelming that he lied to the FBI about who he was working for when he brought Hillary’s disinformation to the FBI.

In this instance, Sussmann was dumb enough to charge Hillary for two USB drives that just so happened to be given to the FBI on the day he met with James Baker. I find it hilarious that Sussmann could lose his freedom and be convicted because he was too cheap to eat $20, but there’d certainly be some poetic justice in that.

Still, I’m rather unconvinced that a guilty verdict is going to be returned. As I’ve written in the past, D.C. juries are terrible, and this one is stacked against Durham. Not only does it include multiple donors to Hillary Clinton, but one juror even admitted that he couldn’t be impartial when dealing with Donald Trump. Yet, the Obama judge in charge didn’t find that to be disqualifying.


How is this jury any different than a Jim Crow-era jury?

10 Comments on Sussmann purchased the USB’s given to the FBI and then billed the Hillary campaign for them

  1. Never be jealous of the freedom that Sussman, Hillary, and many that bend the freedom that our forefathers fought for. They will enjoy their freedom on earth, but will be damned to Hell.

  2. The most persuasive argument I’ve seen that Sussmann will be acquitted is that for a guilty verdict on lying to a fed agent, the lie has to be material. The lie has to result in different behavior by those lied to, compared to what their behavior would have been otherwise. Sussmann did lie when he said he had no client, but the FBI already knew he was working for the DNC/Hillary campaign, so the FBI’s actions were not affected by the lie.

    This sucks, but there it is. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to see Sussmann afflicted with incurable anal warts but I don’t think he’ll come down with them in the slammer.

    Any goodness that comes out of this trial will be in the form of testimonial and documentary revelations. We’ll see.


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