B.C. to Decriminalize All Drugs for Three Year Experiment – IOTW Report

B.C. to Decriminalize All Drugs for Three Year Experiment


Canada’s government said Tuesday it will allow British Columbia to try a three-year experiment in decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs, seeking to stem a record number of overdose deaths by easing fear of arrest by users in need of help.

The policy approved by federal officials doesn’t legalize the substances, but Canadians in the Pacific coast province who possess up to 2.5 grams of illicit drugs for personal use will not be arrested or charged. More

24 Comments on B.C. to Decriminalize All Drugs for Three Year Experiment

  1. What the hell. They forced you to jab youself with something that gives injury and death, might as well load the last cylinder in your Russian Roulette revolver and go out wrecked…

  2. There is a lot of evidence supporting this; a couple of countries have this policy and I believe have seen positive results.
    The problem with making things illegal – just ask Al Capone – is that you end up with stronger versions and with addicts not reaching out for help because it’s illegal. If drugs are decriminalized, addicts will be more likely to seek help, and also can use less lethal drugs because smuggling isn’t necessary.
    A major problem though is the profit-making institutions based upon drugs being illegal. If we never criminalized drugs – gee, around 1915, same as when we started destroying the dollar – then drug addiction would have been far less of a problem.
    BTW drug policy was 99% driven by US. And now they try to force all nations into keeping drugs illegal via the UN.

  3. Decriminalizing small amounts of drugs will increase the amount of drugs, including opiates, Crack, Meth and heroin. Addicts don’t fear arrest, they are looking for the next high.
    Deaths will increase for the next 3+years, but arrests will decrease substantially.
    The funeral industry will enter the boom years for those drug users who survived the Covid experimental drugs.
    Oh Canada, have you not learned anything from San Francisco? !

  4. There is only one reason that political leaders, mostly on the Left, are supporting legalization of this harmful substance, i.e. it is easier to extract honey from a beehive when the inhabitants are under the influence of smoke. And it is easier to extract freedoms from Americans when a substantial portion are stoned and docile, not to mention made more dependent on government by this “innocuous” drug.

  5. Yet ~ 2003 when I was in Vancouver you could buy a can of snus, but it was only about a half inch tall and cost $10 and stop smoking and dipping snus billboards were everywhere.

  6. George Floyd would still be with us. He OD’d on Fentanyl so he wouldn’t get busted. I understand Left Coast Dan’s point and I think there is validity to it, but if you are stopping the drugs at the border you can’t decriminalize drugs. I also think it would entice more users to try it. Part of the reason people don’t do drugs is fear of getting busted.

  7. If the government has the right to tell adults what they can not take into their bodies, it also has to right to tell adults what they MUST take into their bodies.

    It’s amazing given just how many things the government has lied about that so many think they were telling the truth about prohibition of drugs.

    Freedom comes with responsibility, make your own call for yourself and let others do the same.

  8. I’ve changed my POV on legalization over the years. I used to think suppression was the right course from street level on up. Because there appears to be so much support for the large money traffickers in government suppression hasn’t worked at all. BC’s decriminalization seems to stem from that same support for large money trafficking as well. Clearly in both entities the right money is getting to the right pockets at the right times.

    So legalize it all, tax and regulate, but no punitive, extortive taxation like SayWA and Cali-dumbshit-fornia do. You have to make it cheap enough that the cartels see no point in being involved. Likewise then you have to make large penalties for manufacture or possession of non government authorized substances. This screws with the money from the cartels into officialdom’s pockets and it also hurts the relationship’s side benefits for both government and the cartels (most barrio social enforcement is done by gangs, not law enforcement).

    As far as treatment goes, once it’s all legal the dopers are on their own. Treatment is available to all at a price and the only thing maybe the state should offer would be free assisted suicide.

  9. In BC alone there were 1782 deaths by drug overdose by last October for the year 2021.

    The highest numbes of gun deaths in the entire country of Canada from the period of 2000 through 2018 was 898 in 2000. It was mostly a decline since then, with 695 gun deaths in 2018.

    Of course, that necessitates the government banning hand guns but relaxing penalties for illegal drugs.

  10. I think the drug war is pretty much lost.
    We need to try something different. How about if you’re caught with drugs you’re put on a farm out in the middle of nowhere with landmines around it then given the basic necessities to farm, water and such and all the drugs you want till you’re ready to get clean.

  11. Not only should there be no criminal penalties for possession but there should be government supplied(for purity) facilities where any drug you want will be dispensed along with any paraphernalia needed.

    You want to nod off on some H, right this way. Fly away on some coke, step right up. Join the Meth Fast Weight Loss Club, we got it. Fill your lungs full of nice tarry reefer smoke, help yourself.

    Said stores will also provide on request, any counseling or rehab. I’m sure that line will be much shorter.

    I tired of coddling these fuckers. If the upbringing you’re received has got you to the point where you need to be obliterated, then I rather see you get what you want and hopefully you won’t procreate before you check out.

  12. This is skid row in Vancouver, BC (E.Hastings Street) approximately 6 blocks from the Vancouver Cruise Ship Terminal. It’s been like this for years, buying, selling, using, having sex, shitting, stabbing, fire setting, and living under tarps and newspaper. I’m sure the decrimilization will make all this majically disappear.

    This is also Vancouver.

  13. Canada has slyly put into place (D-NY) fake-gov Kathy Hochul, (D-NY) wingman-mayor Eric Adams’, and the city’s (D-NY) Dept of Health’s “empowering” of heroin and fentanyl, postered around that city and picturing a BLACK woman as their representive of pro-heroin-fentanyl addictions. smh across the board.


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