California Appeals Court Finds That Bumblebees Are Fish – IOTW Report

California Appeals Court Finds That Bumblebees Are Fish

San Franisco Chronicle

Dwindling species of bumblebees can be classified as endangered in California — even if that requires defining “fish,” a category of protected creatures under state law, to include bees, a state appeals court ruled Tuesday.

California’s endangered species law, one of the nation’s first when it was signed by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1970, granted protections to any “bird, mammal, fish, amphibia or reptile” whose existence in the state was threatened, and included “invertebrates” in the definition of fish. When the law was updated in 1984 under Gov. George Deukmejian, the reference to invertebrates was removed, but the new law protected the Trinity bristle snail, an invertebrate mollusk that lives on land. More

10 Comments on California Appeals Court Finds That Bumblebees Are Fish

  1. Well, the Catholic Church declared capibara fish some years ago.
    And the moslems had some redefinitions, as well.
    And chicken eggs aren’t chickens in Buddhism.
    Vegetarians do similar nonsense.

    It’s a religious thing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’ve seen flying fish before but never a bumblebee reclassified as a fish. The left is inhabited by nothing but a bunch of idiotic morons who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. The next bumblebee I see I’ll ask it if it identifies itself as a bumblebee or as a fish.

  3. Did any of these foolish idiots even bother to ask God if he thought that a bumblebee was a fish? I guess nowadays anything can be anything else if it fits the politically correct narrative of the left and if it doesn’t than we’re bucking everything true about real science. MORONS AND IDIOTS OH MY, I’M GOING TO GO SCREAM AT THE SKY!

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