Animals Gone Wild (When Will People Learn?) – IOTW Report

Animals Gone Wild (When Will People Learn?)

(NEWSER) – A woman got far too close to a Yellowstone bison this week. “Consequently, the bison gored the woman and tossed her 10 feet into the air,” park officials say in a release. The unnamed 25-year-old woman from Grove City, Ohio, died of her injuries, said to include a puncture wound. “Park emergency medical providers responded to the incident immediately” before the woman was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Idaho, per the release. It’s unclear where she succumbed, per NBC News. She had approached the female bison after it ventured close to a boardwalk at Black Sand Basin near the Old Faithful geyser on Monday morning, according to park officials. She was within 10 feet of the animal when it charged, per CNN.

This is the first reported incident in 2022 of a visitor threatening a bison (getting too close to the animal) and the bison responding to the threat by goring the individual,” according to the release. Two other visitors were nearby, within 25 feet of the animal, when the incident occurred, officials say.


I went to get gas yesterday and was “Al Gored” by Joe Bison.

$4.59 a gallon.

24 Comments on Animals Gone Wild (When Will People Learn?)

  1. Alot of visitors came for the massive Trump rally in Casper.
    I hope she wasn’t one of ours.

    It’s an all too frequent occurrence, despite ALL the warnings from the Park Rangers. A shame.

  2. I’ve seen a few bison pretty close, on Catalina Island off of Los Angeles. They wander free, and every now and then you come across one.
    But they have zero predators there so are much less aggressive. Not that I would intentionally approach one.
    Well, no predators except for those who make bison burgers out of them…

  3. I blame Disney (and similar companies). All of those cartoons and animated movies that make animals seem just like us humans, perhaps even more noble than we are. A lot of these people don’t realize that animals in reality are … animals. They aren’t lovable like the family golden retriever (that had most of its animal instincts bred out of it).

  4. Justa another Trump supporter thinkin…and thats the problem, they can’t think… oh look at the cute buffalo, I’m gonna pet tha…. oops, that hurts bigly time… ouch…duh…

  5. I took my son to Gatlinburg,TN about 20 years ago. He wanted to go around the loop in Cade’s Cove to see the black bears that are everywhere in that part of the world. People are warned to stay in their vehicles & NEVER get out to approach the bears. We were behind a minivan packed with a family, when the man driving slammed his brakes & jumped out. There was a mama bear with 2 cubs about 100 feet from the road & the idiot is running at them full tilt, yelling over his shoulder at his wife to get the camera ready. People are yelling at him to get back in his vehicle, he paid no attention. He got about 10 feet or so from the bears when mama stood up & charged at the moron. Mama bear nearly got him, she took a big swipe at his back. Lucky for him, he was able to get back to his vehicle unharmed. Mama bear circled that van for nearly 5 minutes before gathering her cubs. Scared the crap out of everybody who witnessed it.

  6. I’ve been up close and personal with dangerous animals in the wild during my time as a hunter. Been within five yards of elk, bear, alligators, even a female red wolf. I was properly armed for my protection. The wolf was the most unnerving. Made my hair stand on end. I let her wander off to go back to her pups. Once was hunting elk in the Rockies after a nighttime snow. Very fresh cougar tracks crossed my path. Got the heebie jeebies. That thing could have been ready to pounce on me at any moment from a hidden position.


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