Mental Health Professionals Go Woke – IOTW Report

Mental Health Professionals Go Woke


Harassment, racial demonization, and social ostracization are becoming more frequent as woke culture spreads. And as people critical of leftist orthodoxy face more antagonism, they experience more stress and more isolation, and they’re more likely to need psychotherapy.

Rather than helping, the mental health field has often been antagonistic toward this population. Now, there’s a growing population of people who need mental health services at the same time that providers are most likely to mistreat patients with leftist views. More

13 Comments on Mental Health Professionals Go Woke

  1. Feminism has had a negative effect on men’s therapy for decades, especially marriage counseling. According to psychology, men are always perpetrators and women are always victims.

  2. What was that phrase…….lemme think…….remember…..remember….some old, old dude & document……I KNOW!
    “First, do no harm.”

  3. “Pedofeelya

    What Biden suffers from. – Dr. Tar”

    Had to use a construction port-a-potty out on the road today, and there was a Trump-vs-Biden election poll written on the inside wall with a black sharpie. (Trump was 4 to Biden’s 0.) Next to Biden’s name, someone had written “fedophaile”. I can guess what they were going for.

  4. Anybody who consults with a psychotherapist is nuts to begin with will come out nuttier after talking to a psychotherapist.

    To these people, I say: Read the Bible.

  5. REAL interesting is the fact that NOT ONE of these so-called “mental health professionals” spoke up in any way against the fake governor (D-NY) Hiccup Hochul, the laughable mayor Eric L Adams, and the underhanded NY Dept of Health putting up and circulating posters advocating and “empowering” heroin-fentanyl use and addiction, complete with a pictre of an ethnic/black woman to encourage all minorities. The sinister scarecrow Hochul and her circle of accomplices know full-well that much of the illict drug use-addictions is by the black-minority populations, and a way for the Hochul crew to pursue the longtime white supremacist-ku klux klan associate Joe Biden’s ongoing scheme of race-cleansing. Add that they’re using the black NYC mayor (paid-off) Eric Adams to bring their/Biden’s schemes to fruition. When Adams was first elected to a George Soros-installed mayorship, Joe Biden visited with Adams, something a supposed potus doesn’t do. You can guess why Lyin’ Biden plopped down next to Adams, given the above info.


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