Crist: I’ll ban “assault weapons” by executive order on my first day as Florida governor – IOTW Report

Crist: I’ll ban “assault weapons” by executive order on my first day as Florida governor

I’m sure Floridians will be lining up to vote for this closet case.


Sounds like someone needs a civics lesson, which seems strange for a man who occupied the office in question once already. Former governor Charlie Crist, hoping to get some momentum in a moribund campaign for another term, told reporter Glenna Milberg that he would ban “assault weapons” by executive fiat on his first day in office.

Crist already endorsed an AWB in his campaign website, so his position on that hasn’t changed. It doesn’t mention the use of an EO to affect an AWB, however, and for good reason. Governors can’t ban sales of entire classes of weapons by executive order. That requires a statute, and a carefully designed statute at that to ensure that it doesn’t infringe on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. (A handful of states do have AWBs, in statutes passed by legislatures and signed by governors.)

Executive orders, properly used, can direct executive policy decisions. In other words, a proper EO takes authority granted to the executive branch — usually by statute or constitutional prerogative — and directs it for a particular use within the jurisdiction and authority of the executive. Those boundaries are set by the Florida state constitution, Article 4, which does not grant any legislative authority to the governor. An EO to stop sales of firearms that are otherwise legal under Florida and federal statutes would be meaningless and unenforceable. And Crist knows it.


23 Comments on Crist: I’ll ban “assault weapons” by executive order on my first day as Florida governor

  1. Our new Sheriff, who I’ve sold several weapons to. been shooting with him and his kids. with him and the SWAT team, says we will carry on the tradition of the former Sheriff and will not enforce any unconstitutional law. It’s not just at the state level, it’s at the county level.

  2. Feel sorry for the woman he married just to try to prove he wasn’t in the closet. That’s what I call really using someone. Just a world class fraud from sunrise to sunset.

  3. For those non political junkies. Charlie was a good friend of GWB and 16 years ago he loudly proclaimed, “IM A PROUD BUSH REPUBLICAN!”! And as Iv’e said for 30 years GWB Republicans are Dem 5th columnists! Charlie openly admitted that friends of GWB really were Dem when he witched parties!

    Charlie proved my point of 30 years IN SPADES. A VOTE FOR GWB IS A DEM VOTE!

  4. “I stand ready to vote on ALL the proposals mentioned by President Biden tonight and encourage the Democratic Leader to bring them forward for votes.”
    Lindsey Graham on Biden’s gun ban speech 6/2/22

    Anyone surprised?

  5. TIM – FJB

    Wrong! Ron is a conservative! Not s GWB Republican! Bush’s Canucks DO NOT VOTE”count” in Fla!

    Proof of what i just said is Ron himself. Were GWB’s DOMINION counting votes A Dem would be there; like our “President”!

    However, unfortunately GWB has DOMINION in way too many states – in my opinion! One of GWB’s states is my state CAL! So Gruesom beat recall!

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