Europe Drops Airline Mask Mandate as Joe Biden Files Appeal to Re-institute Air Travel Mask Mandate in U.S.A – IOTW Report

Europe Drops Airline Mask Mandate as Joe Biden Files Appeal to Re-institute Air Travel Mask Mandate in U.S.A

CTH: The issue within the DOJ filing an appeal to force U.S. airlines to reinstate the masks for air travel has nothing to do with public safety or benefits of mask wearing on airlines. The core issue is raw government power.

At the same time as the European Union has lifted all mask wearing restrictions for airline travel, Joe Biden is filing an appeal with the eleventh circuit court of appeals (Tampa, Florida) to overturn a judge’s ruling that lifted the mask mandate for airlines.  The extreme leftists within the Biden administration want to retain the power over people as an essential element within their larger agenda.

Freedom and self-determination are antithetical to the Build Back Better agenda, which necessarily includes the power of the federal government to make unilateral decisions that impact the lives of the people beneath it.  The airline mask mandate is just one small visual demonstration of the power of government over the people. more

7 Comments on Europe Drops Airline Mask Mandate as Joe Biden Files Appeal to Re-institute Air Travel Mask Mandate in U.S.A

  1. Alameda County, across the bay from San Fransisco, issued a mask mandate today.
    Alameda was one of the very first to issue a mandate first time around.

    and FJB


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