The Backstabbing Begins – IOTW Report

The Backstabbing Begins

Absolute Chaos Inside the White House Ensues, as the Backstabbing Begins.

Over the last several days, a deluge of insider stories dropped about the inner workings of the White House. Needless to say, none of them have painted a positive picture.

On Wednesday, news of infighting between Joe Biden and his staff broke, leaving the obvious question of who is actually in charge. One complaint revolved around the president’s handlers constantly coming behind him to change his statements. Another centered on Biden being so ill-informed about the various, mostly self-inflicted crises that have plagued his tenure.

Now, another report via CNN is offering more details about just how chaotic things are. With the White House adrift, the backstabbing has commenced.

That’s in between pointing fingers at each other for whose fault it is. They have the same internal meetings over and over, insisting that they need to change up their whole approach to how they’re using Biden – and then each time watch as nothing changes.

Older aides dismiss the younger aides as being too caught up in the tweet-by-tweet thinking they say lost the 2020 election for everyone else. Younger aides give up – what’s the point of working up innovative ideas, they ask themselves, if the ideas constantly get knocked down and the aides get looked down on for suggesting them?

The division between the younger and older staffers is notable. Biden has long surrounded himself with a squad of yes men, including current Chief of Staff Ron Klain, that have always told him what he wants to hear. Over the decades, they’ve grown incredibly controlling as well. Those who joined the administration to fill out its ranks have found themselves constantly being shot down, while the older generation of Biden apparatchiks plods ahead doing things the way they’ve always done them. more

19 Comments on The Backstabbing Begins

  1. Pedo Puddin head, and his merry band of Marxist Marauders….

    I’m rooting for an alien mothership to blast the whole edifice and every pinko inside it.

    Probably why the Pedo spends so little time there…

  2. If it isn’t ACTUAL backstabbing, it’s unimportant – palace plots and intrigues.

    If they’d start killing each other, it’d be interesting, but liars lying about other liars is pretty ho-hum.

    Have to expect maggots to be maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Seems like I remember back about Jan 2021 comments in the media like “thank god the Adults were back in charge” and “It felt like we are being rescued from the craziness and now here are the superheroes to come and save us all.”

    Or maybe I was just dreaming…..

  4. They chose Obiden and now they have to live with it.
    Sounds like the young Marxists want better messaging to make becoming a socialist/commie country will be more fun and exciting than being a dangerously free country.
    Those young dopes can pound sand.

    I think they’re upset that all their theories about socialism aren’t working in real life.

    I’ll get more excited when I see someone from the WH get red pilled.

  5. Diogenes Sarcastica
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 8:18 AM
    “Seems like I remember back about Jan 2021 comments in the media like “thank god the Adults were back in charge” ”

    …perhaps they meant “AdultERERS” are in charge.

    THAT would be factually correct.

  6. How much longer until one of these White House toadies sells out for the really big bucks with a book deal? There must be half a dozen working on an insider’s account of who is in actually trying to manage this Full Catastrophe. I’m betting that they are going to be racing one another to the publishers after the Midterm Elections. One of these days, we’re going to learn what really happened during all those three day weekends at the Wilmington Hideout. It’s going to be swell.

  7. Ghost of Burner
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 8:56 AM
    “Well, if Joe would quit lying every chance he gets…”

    Why would he? It’s given him a 60 year successful grift that culminated in being illegally installed in the highest office in the land while allowing him to ignore any and every law up to and including child rape.

    Why stop now?

    They don’t fear death or God, they are too reprobate for that. See Romans 1 for more detail.

    “When one does wrong, one must do it thoroughly. ‘Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous! The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy.”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

    …that’s where Pedo and all the Communist politicians, D and R, are at today.

    Gone THIS far.

    May as well finish the job.

    …after all, they do enjoy it so…

  8. Back stabbing has been a political sport since man started to control other men.

    Until Brutus walks upon the stage, it’s just political maneuvering to distract people away from the Biden Failures, Corruption and obvious Dementia of the Puppet President.

  9. Rest assured there are numerous Marxists waiting in the wings of the whitehouse to replace those who abandon the sinking ship.
    Everyone wants to gain resume’ enhancement for future employment in mass media or one of the many Soros destroy America special interest groups.

  10. cato JUNE 4, 2022 AT 9:32 AM
    Rest assured there are numerous Marxists waiting in the wings of the whitehouse to replace those who abandon the sinking ship.
    Everyone wants to gain resume’ enhancement for future employment in mass media or one of the many Soros destroy America special interest groups.


  11. If we had a military that wasn’t bought by the chinese I’d be all for a coup to get rid of these rats. We expect them to run the country when really they can’t organize a 2 car funeral procession.

  12. @Tim – FJB: There’s been plenty of leaders in history who were assassinated by someone close to them – in some cases a relative. I have often thought if Humper goes to prison, Joe won’t continue to breathe.

  13. Ever met a person who REALLY LOVES the smell of their own farts? You’ve met a leftist! The oldsters hate comprehensively, the young hate furiously, the middle hate with smoldering rage. The only thing they have in common is lust for power and hate for all that is.

    The hate comes only from within. The ultimate exercise of hate in power is destruction, anything less is a pale pastel version of the use of power, weak sauce.

    The genesis of the hate is hatred of self. Once developed it can’t be turned off short of a genuine spiritual revelation.

    The White House staff is in an uproar, the VP’s staff as well, sabotage, quits, backstabbing, raging arguments over what color tippy cup the president gets today, the word salad the VP will puke out today, all sensible seen through the lens of hate, lust for power and the LOVE of the SMELL of one’s own FARTS.

    To be genuinely unkind, every actual person who voted for this mess demonstrated a bit of the love of the smell of their own farts.

  14. “Ever met a person who REALLY LOVES the smell of their own farts? You’ve met a leftist!”

    The smell of my farts makes me HARD – and my asshole wet!


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