Mexican President Snubs US – Won’t Attend Americas Summit – IOTW Report

Mexican President Snubs US – Won’t Attend Americas Summit

11 Comments on Mexican President Snubs US – Won’t Attend Americas Summit

  1. Maybe he has too much self-respect than to pretend that the Usurper is President?
    Or maybe Pedophiles disgust him?
    Or maybe the stink of corruption is too great, even for a messican?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Nah, it’s just Pedo Puddin Head and the resident “adults” insulting him by unilaterally changing the entire previously long and hard fought agreements between the US and Mexico.

    In their haste to erase everything Trump they shit on four years of agreements and assurances without a single phone call to AMLO.

    This is what happens when you have petulant children running the country.

  3. Everyone on Earth knows now that FJB is an illegitimate president, the product of a stolen election. And beyond that, he’s a fucking idiot and an openly pathological liar. Why waste their time with FJB for even a second?

  4. Well Mexico is paying for the Wall right! All you guys just love Mexico, their drug dealers, their immigrants. What a bunch of hypocrites. Your fake lying jackass sure in hell isn’t our leader!

  5. At this point, the USA is not the Americas’ Summit any longer. We are run by a demented fraud. Canada is run by a gay Commie tyrant.
    Looks to me that the Summit of North America now is Mexico. No wonder he wants to stay home.

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