Burger King Celebrates Pride Month in a Very Idiotic Ad – IOTW Report

Burger King Celebrates Pride Month in a Very Idiotic Ad

See what they did?

In gay parlance, you wouldn’t have two tops or two bottoms as a couple.

(I feel gay just using the word “parlance.”)


  • “Burger King Austria made a Pride burger that’s either two tops or two bottoms… what in straight hell?” tweeted Jarett Wieselman of Netflix, per the New York Post.
  • Plenty of critics accused BK of being insensitive—such as this one—but others thought those critics were taking things too seriously. “As a gay person, this is the funniest thing I have ever seen and I don’t think I’ll ever stop laughing,” was one Instagram comment (by unacornium) cited by CNN.
  • Unsure: “It’s not entirely clear whether this was an intentional innuendo or an inadvertent oversight,” writes Jon Stapley at Creative Bloq. “It’s possible this belongs in our round-up of design fails that were so bad they were actually good, (and) I can’t quite make up my mind.”
  • Maybe not: In a post at Out, Mey Rude suggests Burger King probably wasn’t making a crass reference. “I have to admit, when I first saw the burger, I thought it was a joke about two tops or two bottoms,” writes Rude. “It took me a little while to realize they were supposed to be representing same-sex couples by having same-type buns paired up.”

24 Comments on Burger King Celebrates Pride Month in a Very Idiotic Ad

  1. Buns, top or bottom, oh yeah that’s gay, Butt see that’s Austria, europe has a gay thing going on for a very very long time. Probably before the Middle Ages.

  2. Wow, I would liked to have attended that Cooperate meeting.

    “OK team. It’s Gay pride month. How do we celebrate? Hmm, what to do, what to do. I have an idea.”

    That’s some weak shit. I can’t wait to see what Jack In The Box comes up with.

  3. Racer X, you and me both. I hate pride month and Juneteenth as well. What’s so great about being a queer in the first place and then celebrating said queerness and expecting all of us normal people to join your partying a perverted lifestyle like it’s not a big deal. I’ll pass, hurry up July. I’m just glad the freaks didn’t make July pride month. Can you even friggin imagine celebrating queer pride at the same time we celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July? I can’t. Bizarro World and The Twilight Zone next stop on the road to hell.

  4. It’s been years since I ate at a Burger King, and it definitely looks like I will never patronize them ever again. Do Ronald McDonald and the Burger King have a thing for one another? I used to like Whoppers when they were cheap, not anymore.

  5. You got your two identical buns, some meat, all dressed-up nice and pretty for the trannies. Butt, where’s the cheese? Did someone forget to cut the cheese for the ad? Unacceptable.

  6. “Pride Month” is about peoples’ sexual orientation. I DON”T CARE and if you’re smart, you’d keep that to yourself.

    THE LAST THING I want to think about if I want to buy a burger is if whoever made it washes their hands or not, or if all their attention is wasted on pitching/catching or sucking cock or packing feces up their significant other’s anus.

    Burger King jumped onto the pile of embarrassingly stupid humanity for not reason. “Have it your way”, King, I’m out. I prefer to make my own sandwich, then wonder what the hell you’d sell me.

    I bet there are more customers that would agree with me, than excited go to your place in solidarity with the mentally ill.

  7. Take the chip off your shoulder , nobody gives two shits what you do in your bedroom . And you didn’t get the job because of your half shaved head , blue hair , and the nuts and bolts in your face . I can tolerate differences , don’t demand I embrace anything . You do you , have a good time , leave me the fuck out of it . Happy Pride month , take the whole year , DGAF !

  8. BK. The burgers are sloppy and fall apart, usually on your shirt or pants. You end up with some lettuce, part of the bun, a smear of melted cheese, a bit of pickle, and a hunk of some sort of meat (don’t ask) that form a disgusting blob that will remain a stain on your clothing. Oh, and a dollop of pink stuff as well to add to the misery. It’s a slopper, not a whopper.

    If you are looking to onion rings to balance out some of the disgust…they are not made of real onion rings, but some sort of breaded mashed something that tastes like an onion with its distinctive flavor removed by a machine process.

    This is my memory of the last BK burger I had, in Marin County CA in 2013.

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