Another Dopey Joe… and it’s not Biden – IOTW Report

Another Dopey Joe… and it’s not Biden

It’s been said that there should be a national conversation about guns in America.

But should the people who know zero about guns have the platform?

Joe Scarborough continues to lie to his viewers about the power of the AR-15.

During the Monday episode of “Morning Joe,” the popular MSNBC host informed his audience that the AR-15 weapon is more powerful than the weapons used by America in Vietnam.

16 Comments on Another Dopey Joe… and it’s not Biden

  1. Just like with the subject of RAAACISM, they don’t want a “conversation” on Gun Control, they only want to LECTURE on Gun Control. THey have no interest in listening to any other’s point of view on the subject, so it won’t be a “conversation”.

  2. Line him up against a wall, and shoot him with both….non fatally of course. The for once in his miserable career, he can give an accutatefirst hand account of which is which….you know journalism. And if he should die as a result of this in-depth reporting, then he dies. No big loss.


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