Biden on Late Night a Real Eye Full – IOTW Report

Biden on Late Night a Real Eye Full

Red State

The mumbling and stumbling, the telling [Late-night talk show host Jimmy] Kimmel that he “overstands,” and the quick cut to a commercial as it’s clear the president isn’t going to stop face-planting presents quite the scene, doesn’t it? If there’s ever been evidence that age limits are needed for high office, this interview is a case study.

But even ignoring the uncomfortable mental deficiency on display, Biden falls into the leftwing fallacy that just won’t die: Every policy failure is actually because the American people are just too stupid to understand. More

15 Comments on Biden on Late Night a Real Eye Full

  1. Watch with the sound off. It’s really pathetic and Jill looks ridiculous tilting her head and clapping as if Joe is doing so well.
    Kimmel looked like most people when speaking to and old guy with dementia.
    Embarrassing representatiin of this country.

  2. This must deliberate. It is designed to humiliate us, all of us including the few actual human beings who voted for old slow Joe. Humiliate the people, dominate the people direct the course of their destruction, while we, having lost all probity tolerating the humiliation, meekly allow it. This cannot be simply gross incompetence and error. This must be intentional.

  3. Of course it is, Walter. The International Cabal isn’t fucking around. We are to be reduced to a Chinese/Global Corporate elite vasal state of subjects whose every action and utterance is monitored and controlled.

    (Normalcy bias keeps us from fully accepting this ‘fundamental transformation.’)

  4. Walter, it’s only just begun. Wait until they mandate monkeypox rectal swabs. For children. At school. Administered by drag queens.

    To paraphrase Adam Smith, “There’s a great deal of humiliation in a nation.”

  5. “This must deliberate. It is designed to humiliate us, all of us including the few actual human beings who voted for old slow Joe. Humiliate the people, dominate the people direct the course of their destruction, while we, having lost all probity tolerating the humiliation, meekly allow it. This cannot be simply gross incompetence and error. This must be intentional.“
    And we all just sitting around staring at our phones.

  6. questions to little Jimmy Kimmel

    … did you enjoy the taste of Biden’s ass? ’cause you really acted like you did

    & … is the price of your whoredom worth the absolute lack of self-esteem?
    btw, do you have children &, if so, are they desperately trying to get adopted at this moment?

    (& I only saw a 10 second clip of this ass-munching … thank God!)

  7. Elder abuse, nothing else. The ghouls who “handle” the husk, including the good doctor, should be ashamed of themselves. They are not, obviously. The march a mumbling, shuffling, clearly mentally deficient old man out in front of the cameras everyday. That glassy, drugged look in his eyes tells the story. Any person who has had a parent or grandparent with dementia can clearly see it. Joe Biden has always been an idiot, but what these people are doing to him to advance their shitty agenda is really beyond the pale.

  8. That excuse for an interview of Demwit Joe by Commie Creeper Kimmel went just as expected. Kimmel did most of the talking, prompting Biden to answer questions as they arranged, but the idiot Biden never directy answered the questions and at one point started rambling until a commercial break.

    Biden attacked Republicans and let our enemies know they’re not the problem- just Trump and those who voted for him. “Dr” Jill, was introduced by Demwit Joe as “Biden’s husband”- yep, a gaffe laughed off by the leftist zombied audience, was also there sitting in the audience.

    The most glaring evidence Biden is senile was during his walk on to the stage. Idle-brained Biden walked directly over to…Guillermo, Kimmel’s Mexican puppet stooge security guard. Kimmel had to get up and corral Biden to his seat.

    To top of the fiasco, Biden – the fake, corrupt “president” had the nerve to say he “won” the election by 81 million votes. Yeah, elections matter. Only when they’re not stolen by the Deep State.

    The interview proved once again the enemies, in particular domestic enemies of the American people are over confident in skills of deceit. However, the left’s house of cards will fall – eventually collapsed by it own weight, and yes, resistance. Despite what it seems, evil regimes are not sustainable.


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