Sudden Adult Death Syndrome or SADS for Short – IOTW Report

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome or SADS for Short

UK Daily Mail

People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. 

The syndrome, known as SADS, has been fatal for all kinds of people regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

SADS is an ‘umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people’, said The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, most commonly occurring in people under 40 years of age. More

18 Comments on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome or SADS for Short

  1. Damn, it wasn’t just a dark joke made by an IOTW’er!

    Sadly most of us with connexions to the world of medicine already knew it.

    But it’s OK. We aren’t very smart.

  2. This is totally off-topic, but I don’t know how to ask for help in any other way. I have to provide identifications on a series of photos taken at a large event I hosted, but I have to sign up for a Flickr account first. Good? Bad? I’m inclined to just send the photographer a spreadsheet with photo numbers and names, but also realize I’m probably overly-paranoid. I hate anyone collecting my information and sharing it with third parties.

    Thanks. Sorry for the hijack.

  3. Lead Salad, there are going to be many millions of barren women from this shit, and ten-thousand types of cancer, and ten-year-olds dying of heart attacks. But Grouchy doesn’t want you to get the sniffles.

  4. Brown Eyed Girl, no good reason to identify anything in a photograph. Unless it’s Detective photography.

    I’d send the spreadsheet back declaring all photographs Joey Biden, or photographs of a stump.

    When I shot 35mm (OMG! 35mm IS A GUN!”) I had not much of an idea what was gonna come out on contact prints. But I could always say it was a photograph of a stump.

  5. And no, I not saying IOTWs aren’t smart and paying attention. I’m saying that THEY see us as being dipshits. Even though this place is full of Engineers, Programmers, Artists, Mechanics, Weldors, Telephone Men, Ranchers, Farmers, Doctors, Pilots, Vets, Vets, and a thousand other wonderful things wonderful people do.

  6. SADS is generally thought to be genetic to Asian cultures which makes me suspicious that this diagnosis is intentionally misleading.

    I no longer trust the alleged investigative nature of legacy media.

  7. …they are trying to conflate this with SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is a pretty well-known acronym for a largely unknown killer of children in cribs overnight that is designed to invoke that same sympathy and awe for this that SIDS gets because, infants.

    This is misdirection because they are NOT the same thing.

    SIDS (Infants) is a name for idiopathic death in newborns, more common in preemees and neonates, that may be partially explained by swaddling crib and baby clothing and postural asphyxiation. Very new infants are not capable of clearing their own airway if they are lying on their face in a mound of covers or if they accidentally pull that cute, warm, fuzzy nightshirt over their faces because they are infants, not very strong and not very coordinated and, as very recent air breathers, probably don’t even understand the need. This is why programs such as “Back To Sleep” which simply encourages new mothers to place infants on their backs in the crib and keep crib coverings minimal and light have had some success with this. Doesn’t cover all the bases, but did have an impact when they started it. For a fuller explanation of SIDS, click below.

    …the adult deaths, on the other hand, are unlikely to have the same origin. Adults have been air breathers for awhile so they even unconciouosly protect their airways, are certainly strong enough to change postures in their sleep, will for the most part wake up if they get covers over their heads, and are well past the lung problems and possible genetic defects that may manifest as SIDS in infants. Adults tend to die of more prosaic things like blood clots, myocarditis, drug abuse, fake vaxxines, things like that, so it is not the same thing at ALL.

    But the label is to help you unconciously relate those two things in your mind to have the same feeling of ineffiable sympathy, that it was just something that happens so you don’t have to think about it too hard. Guy died, we don’t know why, so sad, bury him and move on without asking too many questions, just another SADS case, no further questions allowed.

    I’ve gone up and down this here, research, links, personal experiences, etc. And others here have weighed in too.

    This is just another lie to normalize vaxx deaths. We all know it. We’re all sick of it. We all know what needs to be done.

    But we seem unable to do it.

    So the lies roll on.

    And so will the deaths.

  8. stand back! … Bill Gates is getting a MicroChubb

    besides, isn’t SADS where your ice cream plops out of your cone onto the curb?

    oh wait, this is Australia … you ‘bloke’s ain’t half as tough as we all (Ho’llyWood) pretended you were … you’re more pussy than Canadians
    yeah, you stayed with the UK while the US said f’you to ’em … we are still more free than you ’cause we made some rules …

    we had a plan when we broke away … you, otoh, never let go of the teat
    too bad … so sad

    hope you & New Zealand have a great time in the future CCP Greater Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere … your grandchildren will surely thank you .. surely

  9. So….how many that have died from SADS have been Jabbed and Boosted?
    I doubt that we’ll ever get a straight answer,but it would be fun to ask…..and make some asshats uncomfortable.

  10. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    JUNE 9, 2022 AT 11:59 PM
    “So….how many that have died from SADS have been Jabbed and Boosted?”

    …we will never know.

    Because hospitals and coroners in Democrat cities simply refuse to collect or record that data.

    Even when it’s known.

    I’ve seen that first hand, in the still and forever unexplained cardiac death of a 19 year old. His vaxx status was known to freinds and told to the ambulance, but no mention in the Democrat coroner’s report.

    Go figure.

  11. @President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    “So… how many that have died from SADS have been Jabbed and Boosted?”

    all of them were jabbed/boosted & all the “c19 testing” is a giant dna grab to be able to target certain ethnicity

  12. @Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag:

    But it’s OK. We aren’t very smart.

    Nahhh, I think we’re all pretty smart here. I think a lot of us here didn’t fall for the jab, we were smart enough to refuse it. Fauci refuses to point at the jab – Trump as well. Operation Warp Speed, what went wrong? The roll out went against medical vaccine protocols. Test first then give it to the public if all is well. Didn’t get to the 1st phase until all hell broke loose and the media hid it.

    Saw my doctor for a routine, and he didn’t say a word about the jab. My daughter who is an HR director with a well know “religious” organization that has hospitals all over the world, said that 75% of the doctors in their system did not get the jab. They know….


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