Lori Lightfoot meltdown – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot meltdown

28 Comments on Lori Lightfoot meltdown

  1. Mayor Lightfoot has the best meltdowns.
    Mayor Lightfoot has the best meltdowns.
    Mayor Lightfoot has the best meltdowns.
    Mayor Lightfoot has the best meltdowns.


  2. any yet Chicago keeps electing these idiots…..no sympathy and hope the place rots in hell. Until these fools stop electing folks that ruin their lives, you get what you deserve Chicago!

  3. Maybe someone should ask the big eyed demon how many stores have closed in the downtown Water Tower Mall? Macy’s. Vera Bradley, Baby Gap, Abercrombie and Finch, Starbucks. These are just the stores I recognize. There’s at least 10 more on that list.Ten years my husband stayed downtown during restaurant week. We had a fabulous time, never felt threatened. So sad.

  4. Mayor Lizardface might have a bigger problem than being the worst mayor in Chicago history.
    That shaking and raspy voice might be symptoms of MS or Parkinson’s. Could mean her Demwit tantrums as mayor might be ending soon. Definitely, would miss watching her entertaining drama queen meltdowns.
    On second thought, not being able to speak wouldn’t stop her. She’d just throw tantrums using a voice generator like Stephen Hawking.

  5. True Brad. Yet, whatever she’s got it doesn’t seem matter to Democrat Chicago voters. Mayor Lizardface is their favorite even if she was senile like Slow Joe. They won’t get rid of her as mayor, despite the deadly havoc she causes.

  6. You guys all love Mayor Lightfoot, especially Brad, he has a poster of her in his den, his bottle, a thumbs up, then to night, night & sweet dreams. AAAhhh.

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