COVID vaccines appear to cause abnormally long blood clots, says pathologist – IOTW Report

COVID vaccines appear to cause abnormally long blood clots, says pathologist

Some blood clots found in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine were reportedly a couple of feet long.

They ended up “pulling out, you know, 6-inch clots, 12-inch clots, 2-3-foot-long clots,” he said. “Because you know from the hip down into the leg, you have a long vein called the saphenous vein. And so they were pulling long clots out of your longer veins. And … they hadn’t seen anything like this previously.”

12 Comments on COVID vaccines appear to cause abnormally long blood clots, says pathologist

  1. I have a minor case of deep vein thrombosis in my lower right leg which is being treated by my doctor. There is no way in hell I will willingly get the clot shot because it could kill me. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to Seattle my daughter and I go in about an hr. to watch the Mariners play the Red Sox tonight. GO MARINERS! And it looks like it will rain everywhere across Wash. state today and thru the weekend, but the even better thing is we’re finally (semi) officially out of the drought we’ve had for the past 2 years.

  2. …keep in mind as the truth becomes harder and harder to conceal, that when you meet resistance and rejection when you tell someone “I Told You So”, that it may not mean that person is a stupid, evil, Democrat vaxxhole.

    …it has not always been manifest that various bland-sounding, unsexy government agencies that never got their own TV show were being used for evil. And it has not always been apparent that the media is a big part of that evil.

    I grew up in an era where Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America. Don’t lie, you did too. Most of America hung onto his every word to the point that he may have been instrumetal in America “losing” in Viet Nam after Tet because, if Walter Cronkite said it, it MUST be true. Even well after that, they brought him out of retirement to talk America through its crisis in confidence in Government when the Challenger shuttle exploded, no other voice was deemed to be able to soothe America so well.

    That was the extent, even with the older, purportedly wiser, generation that media was trusted.

    …and who among us ever thought for a moment that when Mom and Dad took us to the doctor for our shots, that it was for ANYTHING but our good? The parents were given a list by the school of necessary vaccines and (Mom and Dad maybe having actually SEEN things like polio) Mom and Dad immediately complied, secure in the knowledge that Medicine and Government had deemed it good, therefore it MUST be good!

    This isn’t new.

    What IS new is that the government actually DOES mean us ill, they DO want to kill, they DO want to destroy, and they have deliberately, mechodically, intentionally taken over all these formerly trusted institutions and more to DO it.

    You can’t blame the more credulous among us, our generation even, for having enough culture lag to believe as our parents did; so when Government (and yes, at the time headed by President Trump) claimed that a terrible disease stalked the land, its men, women, and children, but that Science had found a cure and all the media backed them up, for wanting to do as they had been FOOLED to believe was best for their spouse and their family? Not everyone follows politics closely, so not everyone saw the devil peeking out from above the mask of medicine.

    …to put it another way, if you did what everyone you believed in and trusted said was best for you and your family, if you did as your family physician of many years said was best for you and your family, if you took an incontrivertable action because the President, the Governor, the FDA, and your own doctor said was best to preserve your children and you were not the sort of person to look at warnings of dubious origin and veracity on the Internet and didn’t understand things like medical trials and adverse reactions and EUAs…if you are THAT person and on YOUR decision you took this action for everyone you love with the best of intentions, only to be given even incontrivertable PROOF that you had just maimed your entire family and yourself and doomed your progeny to an untimely grave or, worse, grandchildren to birth defects…would YOU be receptive of that message? Would YOU simply sit down, make your peace with God, and tell your family to do the same? Would YOU be able to calmly accept that your children have no future because the ENTIRETY OF MEDICINE AND GOVERNMENT lied to you and you believed the lies, and now have no recourse?

    …no. I suspect you would not. It is too much to accept, too much of a burden to bear, too much to even believe.

    Most would stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to even entertain the idea.

    Many would kill the messenger in one way or another to silence the message even from themselves, with that ranging from ostracisizng them to actually murdering them because the import of what they are saying is just too much to bear.

    This is why you have so much difficulty with jabbed relatives at family gatherings. This is why so much contention, why people cut you out of your lives, why people want you to do as they did because they believe it best still. This is why these pearls fall on deaf ears.

    Because those ears cannot accept the message.

    Don’t be surprised then when your kin react with hatred and fear and won’t even discuss it. And don’t assume they are stupid and evil.

    Just reflect on the fact that they were subject to the grandest scam in the history of mankind by a coordinated effort of people who think they know best how to rule the world, and would consider it much more efficent to do so if they kill off your nearest and dearest first.

    Don’t waste your time castigating the deceived. It most cases it would be more appropriate to pity them and to pray for them, and they may not have much longer anyway. This may well carry its own conseqences for them.

    Think you instead how to avenge them on their deceivers.

    Because once those who took the shot are dead of it, they will KNOW those still standing are the hard cases and act accordingly.
    You avoided only one of their knives.
    They have many, many others…

  3. Most of what you write SNS is true. It’s difficult for me because I’m weak, to look back decades in some cases, warning people that we’re making the wrong choices as a country and that it’s going to come to a bad end, and then to move on. As if they weren’t complicit.

    Back in the day when I had liberal friends, black friends, and the arguments didn’t have the 30-40 years of proof that I do now it was all well & good to make the case for unicorns.

    It ain’t now and still the few acquaintances(no more liberal or black friends) I have that can’t see their idiocy, well I have no use for. I recently had another longtime acquaintance e me saying how she has seen I was right all these years and I didn’t bother to reply. I guess it’s too late for even the ones that cop to the idiocy.

    Sadly that includes my sister and my lifelong Israeli friend. I’ll miss my sis when she’s gone, she’s all vaxxed & boosted so who knows. My jewish friend said he almost died after the 2nd shot but would take no grief from me about the shade Israel was throwing & knew about it. What, are you obsessed he asked? For providing information he wasn’t getting. mmmK, adios

    Can’t imagine how at this late stage any vengeance can be imposed by an old man.

  4. @SNS – Very well stated. Things will get much worse, and likely, at some point, will be as if we stepped off of a precipice into a darkness void of any light.

    Now, apply those exact same thoughts, reasoning, etc… which you iterate, to the religions of men, ie rabbinic judaism and christianity, and you will return to the 1st Century Biblical Hebraic faith. To guard the commandments of YHWH and have the witness of King Messiah Yahshua.

    YAH bless and keep!

  5. We are continually reminded that the COVID-19 shot is “perfectly safe” for patients age 60 and over.

    Of course it is. How many people over the age of 60 are currently taking blood pressure and anti-clotting medications? It’s probably the only reason many of them are — for the time being — surviving the shot!

  6. 3 types of low-ball health-poker: blood-pressure, the sum of systolic, diastolic, & pulse. cholesterol, sum of ldl & hdl or just total. rx, daily milligrams of perscription-drugs.

  7. @SNS June 10, 2022 at 10:46 am

    > Because those ears cannot accept the message.

    > And don’t assume they are stupid and evil.

    Sometimes, it’s easier to disprove the negative.

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