Fox News Takes Short Walk Off LGBTQ Pier – IOTW Report

Fox News Takes Short Walk Off LGBTQ Pier


Fox News promoted the story of a transgender child who switched genders at five years old as part of the network’s “LGBTQ+ Pride Month” special on Friday.

On an episode of America’s Newsroom, Fox News reporter Bryan Llenas highlighted the story of Ryland Whittington, a young girl whose family embraced her transgender transition to male when she was five years old. More

20 Comments on Fox News Takes Short Walk Off LGBTQ Pier

  1. “…after transgender swimmer Lia Thomas dominated her female competitors….”
    aahh, Thomas is a “he” not a her…

  2. Someone recommended Fox news to be in 2002. I was a faithful watcher till Nov. 4, 2020.

    So I watched Shammity and Shames, Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Laura Ingraham, sometimes Ann Coulter, etc.

    It’s all history. Never again. Go pervert and you’re out of my universe.

  3. Five year olds don’t choose jack shit. They do whatever they think they need to do to maintain the love of their parents. This child’s parents are evil filth. That makes ZeroFox news the enablers and cheerleaders of evil filth.

    I bailed on Fox when they called AZ for Biden after the ballots of five Apaches and an old folks home for the Alzheimer’s afflicted were the only ballots counted at that point.

  4. 100 years from now, 2222:

    Little DakotaStarChaser, aged 5: Daddy, I want to be an elephant.

    Daddy: Why certainly sweetheart, if that’s what you want. You can be an elephant.

    DakotaStarChaser: oohhhh long will it be before I’m an elephant?

    Daddy: It depends on how fast the trunk grows….as well as your tusks, tail, and ears. The ears take the longest…I’d say you’ll be a genuine elephant in about a year. They used to attach real elephant parts but now they put elephant codes inside of you and we can all watch the parts grow.

    DakotaStarChaser: Will I be able to have baby elephants and be an elephant mommy?

    Daddy: There are very smart scientists working on that. Let me ask your other two daddies and your three mommies and see if they know when you can do that. But sweetheart, I think you’ll be able to have baby elephants, so don’t worry about that, precious.

    DakotaStarchaser: Oh Daddy, I love you and all my daddies and mommies!

  5. Faux news. Rupert Murdock’s sons and their wives are big Never Trumpers. I watch NewsMax more than Faux News, but I like the Fox Business Network. Real Conservatives who are predicting a financial catastrophe. Buy canned goods and ammunition. It’s going to get much worse.

  6. I’ve calmed down since the last slap in the face. Nobodies better than making the left look like assholes than Gutfeild. I also watch Carlson and Ingram. But that’s it.

  7. say what you want about Carlson, & many here do, he’s the only one out there bringing up much of the stuff we are talking about & saying it on the most popular news show on cable

    he goes where most others fear to tread … & he will not defend Little Lindsey, like that suck-up Hannity

    & I’m a Guttfeld (Tyrus & Kat) fan … love it when Greg craps in the ‘Rican Narcissist’s Post Toasties … “Why you little punk!” … lmao

    … but, that’s about all I watch of Fox

  8. Insane. A toddler didn’t want to wear a dress, or let her mother put frilly uncomfortable crap in her hair…

    So the child is now… 14. Let’s see how “happy” “he” is to turn into a puny infertile 18- or 25=year old man without a dick.

  9. Monkey See – Monkey Do.
    Go along to get along.

    It’s enough to make you vomit.

    What the fuck do perverts have to be proud about?
    Being a human toilet? A cum sock? A shit-eating stooge?

    These sick fucks need psychiatric help – not encouragement.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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