Jack and Coke – IOTW Report

Jack and Coke

How come no one sells Egg Creams premade?

Hmmm. How many of you out there even know what I am talking about?

(And I just looked it up. They do sell it.)

NBC– Jack and Coke fans will soon be able to sip the cocktail at home after Coca-Cola and Jack Daniels whiskey maker Brown-Forman said they plan to offer it in a can.

The “official” mix represents the latest push by big soft drink makers into alcohol, as boundaries blur and more people turn to pre-mixed, ready-to-drink cocktails.

Jack Daniels, which already sells a canned cola cocktail in many markets, and Coca-Cola said in a statement that it will begin by selling the new drink in Mexico in late 2022.

Ready-to-drink products are expected to make up 8 percent of the broader alcohol market by 2025, up from 4 percent in 2020, research from industry tracker IWSR estimates, with the ready-to-drink category expected to grow about 15 percent a year until 2025.

Coca-Cola already has a tie-up up with Corona beer brewer Constellation Brands Inc to sell Fresca-branded ready-to-drink cocktails.

35 Comments on Jack and Coke

  1. What about the l’il chillens?

    That’s gonna make all them l’il chillens think that they should be drinkin whiskey!

    Gotta stop this! For the l’il chillens!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. First I saw was gin & tonic and then bloodymarys. I guess rum and coke makes sense. Why did it take them this long to put mixed cocktails in a can??? Makes you think hmmmmm?

  3. Tim Smith of “Moonshiners” fame & his own “Climax” moonshine has come out with “the ritual”. Sweet tea & 100 proof moonshine. I don’t care for sweet tea, but have a friend who just loves this new drink. I prefer my moonshine straight up white lightning, 110 to 120 proof. Will cure anything that ails you! But, if you’re a mind, you might want to try “the ritual”. It is now sold pretty much nationwide.

  4. “In my opinion, the only thing that should be mixed with any whiskey would be a couple of ice cubes.”

    Ditto. Jack pretty harsh compared to a quality whiskey.

  5. The kind of mix you drink when you’re a younger adult. Not something for when you get older with “decerning taste”.
    Definitely, going to be a lot of drunk kids on this stuff in foreign countries and some states.

  6. When I was drinking, I just wanted to get smashed, not taste it. Everclear 190 and 101 vodka was my idea of a mixed drink, with enough Hawaiian Punch so I didn’t vomit it immediately.

    The results are why I don’t drink anymore.

  7. I always drank Jack straight…out of the freezer in the old days. I can’t even be in the same room with uncapped bottle nowadays.
    I currently keep Jim Beam “Double Oak” in the freezer. Good stuff.
    Speaking of high fructose corn syrup….I cut it out in 2019 when my a1c was 11.7
    Last month it was 5.9

  8. I’m definitely entering that phase in life known as “grumpy old woman”. It’s not that I envy the young; what I feel toward them mainly these days is just how Peter and Wendy they are! Great! Another way for them to pretend that at 27, they are still 16. And the most painful part is that they probably think canned Jack and Coke is, like, way more sophisticated than, like, White Claw.

  9. I’m presuming (but will want to verify) that because this Devil’s Concoction will initially be made and sold in old Mexico, that they’ll use the Mexico Coke (cane sugar) vs the “American” Coke (HFCS – gag!)

  10. “Pre-mixed”. With the “proper” ingredient ratio. Because people are too stupid to get it right and too lazy to try.

    Just how much testicular shrinkage does a man need to endure before he can drink this?

  11. Gotta cut that Tennessee rotgut with something. Even a splash of lye would improve it. Try asking for Coke in your bourbon sometime in a bar in Bardstown or Frankfort, KY. You’ll get called every name in KY’s repertoire and maybe even get a taste of asphalt up close. Those folks are very proud of their products and their heritage, and for good reason.

  12. Calm down, you booze snobs, and picture this scenario:
    You walk in a joint, and tending bar is the infamously stupid AOC. You face a choice, that idiot makes your drink or a waitress brings you this cold can (“unopened please”) from the fridge.

    And yes, I too would see if there was another bar in town.

  13. Finally, a topic on this site that I can address from experience. First, I want to acknowledge that God in is infinite wisdom and mercy waited until I was in my 70’s to introduce me to single malt scotch. Before, I preferred my Jack mixed with Sprite rather than Coke. It just seemed more sophisticated.

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