Winning – IOTW Report


10 Comments on Winning

  1. I have three friends and their spouses that live in Rice’s district. I will assume that 4 of the 6 of them were instrumental.

  2. Sorry to hear that Beachmom, why aren’t the repubs. finding candidates to run. Now is the perfect time to inject (pun intended) some conservative blood into these positions.

  3. Because the Dems here are mostly from out of state and they play so dirty. All the papers but one are owned by one rich leftist and the local tv stations are all owned by leftists.
    When a R runs they print and run stories that are complete lies and vicious even when they know the stories are lies. They go after everyone personally and relentlessly and destroy people.
    The R’s try to counter but with not one media outlet in such a small state and the out of state money coming from Soros it’s near impossible to get an R to run.
    Also, the current DA played games. He was an R then an I to get more votes. He barely won. Then in his reelection this year he switched to D thinking he’s get more votes.

    Hopefully LePage wins for Governor.


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