‘It’s our job’: CNN’s Don Lemon surprisingly revisits Biden’s mental fitness – IOTW Report

‘It’s our job’: CNN’s Don Lemon surprisingly revisits Biden’s mental fitness

BPR: After spending years relentlessly bashing Donald Trump and anything Republican, CNN host Don Lemon now implies that journalism, rather than liberal activism, is part of his job description.

That’s why Lemon asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about “nice man” President Joe Biden’s physical and mental stamina for a second term, which Biden says he intends to seek.

In another sudden turnaround, Lemon lamented a double-standard in which the media seldom poses tough questions to Democrats. He also admitted that he himself, as he has gotten older, has lost some velocity off of his metaphorical fastball.

Lemon went on CNN “New Day” on Wednesday to seemingly take a victory lap about the news-making Jean-Pierre interview, in which the latter was dismissive of inquiries about the president’s health. “That is not a question that we should be even asking,” she told Lemon in that interview. more

10 Comments on ‘It’s our job’: CNN’s Don Lemon surprisingly revisits Biden’s mental fitness

  1. Lee Moan, is trying his best to be objective, doesn’t come easy for him.
    Just trying to keep his job, just like the “Potato” at CNN.
    I would hope the new owners at CNN can see through the façade and dump the socialists from their network.

  2. He is just grabbing his ass before is gets kicked out the door.
    He is a Faggot in the first degree.
    Not that there is anything wrong with that,but him, there is a lot wrong with him.


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