Cornyn walks out on bipartisan talks on gun safety bill, says ‘I’m through talking’ – IOTW Report

Cornyn walks out on bipartisan talks on gun safety bill, says ‘I’m through talking’

JTN: Sen. John Cornyn, the Republicans’ top negotiator in a bipartisan effort to draft gun-safety legislation, abruptly left negotiations Thursday and returned to home state Texas, saying, “I’m through talking.”

Cornyn and the other senators have been working for about three weeks trying to agree on a bill – in the aftermath of two mass shootings last month that killed a total 31 people. 

The group has narrowed its goals in trying to pass such legislation by attempting to agree on just two matters – tightening the so-called “boyfriend loophole” and incentivizing U.S. states to implement violence-prevention programs.

However, the sides have stalled in trying to agree on either one or both, amid President Biden’s disappointment they cannot do more legislatively to curb gun violence in the U.S.  

“It’s fish or cut bait,” Cornyn said after hours of negotiations Thursday that included fellow GOP Sen. Thom Tillis and Democrat Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Chris Murphy, his party’s top negotiator. 

“I don’t know what they have in mind, but I’m through talking,” he also said. more

SNIP: He’s been getting boo’ed by his constituents where ever he goes. 😂

17 Comments on Cornyn walks out on bipartisan talks on gun safety bill, says ‘I’m through talking’

  1. “I don’t know what they have in mind, but I’m through talking,” he also said.

    The link does not make clear who “they” are, whether it’s the Dems who want to destroy gun protections altogether or some on his side (?) who think he is nuts and still hold firm on the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment.

    Going back to Texas is smart, his constituents are ready to tar and feather him.

  2. When Dems demand stricter gun laws – but DAs like George Gascon release criminals with gun charges simply because they are gang members, I mean grievance class – guaranteed there is no point to the gun laws.

  3. The only negotiation over the 2A should be in REMOVING unConstitutional laws such as the 34NFA and the 68GCA, and then strictly enforcing the rest. Otherwise, why do we have the BATFEces? Oh, yeah, that’s right. They’re just another weaponized bully agency of the DildoCrats.

  4. It looks like the author of this article has decided to follow the new narrative. Instead of “gun control” it is “gun safety”, which just so happens to be what the Biden Admin and the Democrats are calling it to make it sound better (kind of like “pro-choice” is better than “baby murder”).

  5. Senators, especially those with more than two terms behind them, often forget who their constituents are. They delegate legislation to staffers whose loyalty is to their peers, lobbyists and donors.

    A savvy senator knows when to pivot back to his constituents. I saw Orrin Hatch make such a pivot after getting ambushed by hundreds of angry delegates at a state Republican nominating convention (the tension was palpable in the general session). They were peeved at his sponsorship of the Dream Act. He formally and loudly dropped it later that day.

    His staffers in charge of the act were immigration activists. I was invited to one of their planning meetings. They were unappreciative of my recommendation to separate it into acceptable, less acceptable and never going to happen parts. I was not invited back. They would have been wise to have taken me more seriously.

    It isn’t about helping people to them. It is about power and winning the game — helping themselves.

    It is senators like Bro. Mitt who are a bigger problem. They don’t care if they are reelected. They just want to make a splash, throw a monkeywrench in the works, be the contrarian. They are looking for a cabinet secretary position a Supreme Court seat or to run for President. They also know that they can ignore their constituents, even crap on them, for four or five years and then put on a show for the election and have a good chance at reelection. Voters are generally stupid and have short attention spans.

    Never trust a Republican senator who isn’t up for reelection.

  6. Cornhole has been a sellout Rino Establishment swamp rat for decades.

    Heatsync is correct, the thermonuclear anger of Texans has him backtracking and running for cover.

    Like so many long term Swamp creatures he arrogantly thought his national status trumped his duty to his local constituents.

    The fallout from his stupidity will take him down now no matter how hard he tries to duck and cover.

    Good riddance to a bad apple.

  7. dicksuckers in lawyer suits know their punk-asses can’t be recalled. they have what amounts to lifetime job security for giving blowjobs & shitting on the peasants.

  8. @Chumlee June 18, 2022 at 8:51 am

    > Maybe execution for murder, especially without a 20 year wait for the chamber, would be some deterrent, no?

    No. It wouldn’t.

    Maybe summary execution (extra-judicial would be fine) when you publicly screech, “I’m askeert! Obey me!”?

    I’ll admit, not a “deterrent”. Just a solution.

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