Biden tells AP he’s unpopular because Americans are mentally unwell – IOTW Report

Biden tells AP he’s unpopular because Americans are mentally unwell

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden, as his party propaganda and media enablers say, is a man of compassion.

And he’s now loaded with such compassion with remarks like this, addressing his own unpopularity with the American people.

See, it’s not that we’re bad people or anything.  It’s not that we’re depraved deplorables, or terrorists, as Democrats have said in the past.  We’re just sick in the head.

And for Biden, that makes sense, given that his unpopularity stretches across party lines and includes traditionally Democrat constituencies such as black, Hispanic, Asian-American, and young voters now. more here

33 Comments on Biden tells AP he’s unpopular because Americans are mentally unwell

  1. Yes, I feel mentally unwell … thanks to what President Pudding Cup is doing to this country. I’ve never seen a President nor his Administration that was doing more to destroy this country than this one. Even Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter were not this bad, dangerous, and hopeless.

  2. This just in… the grinning imbecile’s approval ratings and inflation statistics aren’t wrong, just simply misplaced:
    Inflation is 33%
    Jackass Joe’s approval is at 8.6%

  3. They own the apparatus, the courts, media, vote distribution and counting, all government structure is owned by the left nationally and in many states and most localities.

    We are in fact by their definition, mentally unwell. We still decline their narrative thus we need therapy and or drugs to bring us to the light of their righteous dawn.

    We still think we can vote our way out of this. Mid terms will tell the tale on that. If the predicted wave fails to materialize we will have the conclusive evidence thinking people need. Note, we still won’t have proof, it’s the beauty of their electoral crimes, they cannot be proven. Video evidence, depositions, bizarre counting shutdowns and night time vote surges, geotracking and video documentation of the mules, none constitute proof.

    The four boxes, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and in the event the mid terms are stolen, we are arrived at the last, the cartridge box. Is it any wonder the left wants us disarmed so desperately?

  4. Remember the Soviets put peeps into insane asylums for not embracing socialism.
    We are quickly moving towards that whole National Socialist/Inter-National Socialist/Fascist paradigm.

    I’m beginning to doubt if we can preserve the Republic.
    They (totalitarians) stole elections on both the State and Federal level!
    What’s to stop them from stealing another?

    “The sheep look up and are not fed …” except bullshit.
    What’ll it take? We’re already being sheared. Mutton?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Keep it up JOEY insulting everyone’s intelligence isn’t going to gain you brownie points.
    Their absolute gall never ceases to amaze. 🤔😭

    Talk to the hand JOEY 🤚 or should I say the middle finger.🖕

    Odumbo, Susan Patty-Cake and Valerie the Traitorous Jerk are running this sinking ship right from the people’s house. 😡


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