Republicans Realizing It’s All in The Family – IOTW Report

Republicans Realizing It’s All in The Family


That’s why they recently published a streamlined, pro-family guideline to give the Republican Party a roadmap for their approach to all-important cultural issues. Dubbed the Family Policy Initiative, the plan is based around ten pillars which articulate natural truths about the family and outline measures in which the government can and should support familial prosperity. More

8 Comments on Republicans Realizing It’s All in The Family

  1. Okay, nice start. But…

    My #1 priority is for Congress to cease ALL Federal funding of public schools and disband the Department of Education.


    If you can’t do that, you’re blowing political smoke.

  2. It’s not conservatives that need a roadmap for moralistic values.
    If they aren’t Rino’s when they enter office, watch who is selected for the various committees.

    Hell, Congress can’t be bothered to read the bills they pass, much less a pamphlet on a conservative platform.

  3. This has become necessary, I suppose, but it would be ideal if the Federal gov’t got out of the family business altogether. I’m an Originalist first and foremost, and nothing, it seems, the Federal gov’t enacts — either through legislation or administratively — is constitutional. Until it gets that vaunted “standing” before the SCOTUS, these laws and regulations ruin us.

  4. Fantasyland, moe laws & bigly fat pay raise us congress peeps. The public, they get a nice tax increase to pay for our raise, have a nice day. All the while republicans are secrectly working on taking away Social Security.

  5. Me posting this comment is part of the game the “they” want to play.

    They want fed up people like me to discourage others for very salient reasons.

    No, we can’t win.


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