A tale of two cities – – IOTW Report

A tale of two cities –

These 2 stories were side by side.

Colorado Gov. Pays Tribute to a ‘Woman Ahead of Her Time’

Clela Rorex issued first same-sex marriage licenses in 1975

lela Rorex, a former Colorado county clerk considered a pioneer in the gay rights movement for being the first public official to issue a same-sex marriage license in 1975, has died. She was 78. Rorex died Sunday of complications from recent surgery at a hospice care facility in Longmont.

Japan Court Rules Against Same-Sex Marriage

A Japanese court ruled Monday that the country’s ban on same-sex marriage does not violate the constitution, and it rejected demands for compensation by three couples who said their rights had been violated. The Osaka District Court ruling is the second decision on the issue, and it disagrees with a ruling last year by a Sapporo court that found the ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional.

7 Comments on A tale of two cities –

  1. I never thought I’d say it but I am so glad I left CO. The grip Denver & Boulder Counties have on the state is like a boot on your throat.

    Isn’t CO supposed to be 100% sustainable by sometime in the 2030s? In the meantime, XCel is guaranteed a 8.5%(?) ROI so they could give a shit about how many coal fired plants get shut down.

    I see Polis is passing out $500 “cannabis refund checks” and my friends tell me they’re seeing needles & feces in downtown Denver. Can you say Seattle here we come? I expect no less from a dem black mayor. WELL DONE BRO!!

    And old Hick, caught in another scandal. He and Bennett are certainly in the running for the worst paid of senators.

    Good grief.

  2. Japan does a lot of things right.

    1. It doesn’t cater to homos.

    2. It doesn’t flood its own society with immigrants.

    3. It still practices the death penalty, and does so in a cool way. When you’re sentenced to death in Japan, they don’t give you an execution date. Any day could be your execution date. You won’t know it until the guards come to your cell to take you to the hangman. And, yes, they still hang murderers in Japan, which is yet another great thing.

  3. I believe she didn’t allow a cowboy to marry his horse shortly after issuing that first same sex marriage, so she wasn’t completely round the Boulder Bend. Governor Jared Polis is posing as a Moderate in order to advance his Liberal agenda. He’s a successful, wealthy businessman and a very smart politician. After the 2022 Midterm Elections, watch how many members of the MSDM start promoting him as the real solution to what ails the Dementiacrat Party. Polis will make Petey Buttigieg look like the failed Loser that he obviously has proven himself to be in his current job.

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