Dave Chapelle Withdraws His Name From Theater Dedication To Make a Necessary Point – IOTW Report

Dave Chapelle Withdraws His Name From Theater Dedication To Make a Necessary Point

The coddling of transgenders is asinine. if anyone at all is made fun of, then they get made fun of. When they are the last people on Earth to be made fun of, then we can talk about “being sensitive.”

6 Comments on Dave Chapelle Withdraws His Name From Theater Dedication To Make a Necessary Point

  1. Anyone else notice the (only) white person on their set trying to make herself as small as possible. It was hardly necessary.

    If this was a theater devoted to the achievement of a white musician and openly touted its service to mainly whites. . .

    Hmm. I just wonder sometimes.

  2. I’m sorry, but the name sounds Maoist, and like the names attached to big bills passed by Congress, will be the exact opposite of what’s inside. But I reckon it’s just what the stiff-necked, ignoramuses deserve.

    And that bozo who said that “Dave Chapelle didn’t want his name to take away from Duke Ellington’s accomplishments” is cowardly, crawling bootlick who missed the point by a mile. Dave Chapelle pretty much said that woke idiots are too stupid to deserve his name on anything. That milquetoast, generic mouthful of a name is a joke, and the joke is on them.


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