Stung by Gun and Abortion Rulings, Biden Undermines Supreme Court in Ways Unlike Predecessors – IOTW Report

Stung by Gun and Abortion Rulings, Biden Undermines Supreme Court in Ways Unlike Predecessors

Just The News:

Two months into his presidency, as he did often on the campaign trial, President Joe Biden asked America to embrace the legitimacy of government.

“Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people,” the 46th president implored his country in a March 2021 speech on the anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdowns.

On Friday, after being stung by abortion and gun rights rulings by the Supreme Court that he disagreed with, the president changed his tune and launched a verbal assault on America’s judicial branch of government and its iconic marbled court of nine justices.

The president took a blowtorch to the Supreme Court in language clearly designed to undermine its legitimacy. He accused the justices of waging a “deliberate effort over decades to upset the balance of our law” and decried their “extreme and dangerous path”, as he insisted the nation’s highest court had made the “United States an outlier among developed nations” by reversing the half-century-old Roe v. Wade decision. more

26 Comments on Stung by Gun and Abortion Rulings, Biden Undermines Supreme Court in Ways Unlike Predecessors

  1. “The president took a blowtorch to the Supreme Court in language clearly designed to undermine its legitimacy.”

    The President did that?

    Odd, I don’t remember Donald Trump saying anything like that yesterday.

    …now, if you’re talking about the fraudulently installed pedophile demented pants-shitter in the pretend White House, THAT guy knows about undermining legitimacy, seeing as how his usurpation of a power he has no right to was specifically DESIGNED to undermine the legitimacy of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN INSTITUTION, and he’s certainly done a bang-up job of THAT…

  2. Notice you can never disagree on any way with a Communist without him taking it as a personal insult and reacting to it as such.

    This is why we can’t reason with these people.

    Keep that in mind as they continue to get more oppressive, because it means they will NEVER willingly back off.

    They can’t…

  3. @ SNS JUNE 25, 2022 AT 10:11 AM

    Agreed. And that is why it is good that we have the guns that they want to outlaw and wet their pants over when even hearing about them.

    They are going to force this thing to go hot if they don’t stop, and when it does, there are going to be a lot of mothers missing their 26 year old “babies” that were living in the basement.

    But those same mothers are the ones that think allowing the states to determine whether or not babies can be killed is unconstitutional, so they can go get fucked. Under their thinking, it should be no different to kill a 26 yo soyboy or a fetus.

  4. Any way you cut it, the Supremes are just nine Klowns in black dresses who are politically-connected and paid for life.
    They are no more Solons and Lycurguses than (probably) Solon and Lycurgus were.

    Abortion violates every precept of morality and law – guilt without proof – execution before trial – no 5th Amendment protection – no 6th Amendment protection – and a violation of one of the Ten Commandments.

    All this is more dissolution. Atomization of society. Every man pitted against every other man.

    The odious inhabitant of the White House speaks violence against America and her Institutions – not because of any principles – but because the decisions of the Supremes offer another opportunity to invoke chaos.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Obama: “…what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne….”

    Exactly! Which is why we don’t need universal gun laws handed down from DC.

    BTW – What does work in Chicago in terms of gun laws?

  6. The view republicans have had on Roe v Wade since the beginning of Roe v Wade has not changed, and even old Joe himself said in the 80s that it should be overturned. But here we are now where reality is fake and fake is reality and decades old traditional views are considered dangerous and extreme.

    Just like China the USA is becoming. Ban on the 4 olds,

    old ideas
    old culture
    old customs
    old habits

  7. To the libs (leftists) out there – A guy that’s armed walks into a school and kills a class of young innocents with a gun, that bad, very bad. But a guy walks into a clinic or hospital armed with a Surgeons’ Certificate and kills a baby with a forceps, that’s good?

  8. RadioMattM
    JUNE 25, 2022 AT 11:22 AM
    ‘“…upset the balance of our law.” That sounds like what the Democrats would have said when slavery was banned.’

    See Compromise Of 1850 for further details.

    See the period from 1861-1865 for how it shook out.

  9. If Democrats and what the Republican establishment has become Dred Scott would be the law of the land and the 1964 Civil Rights Act would have withered on the vine. The only thing either recognizes is what serves to advance their political agenda.

    Really, when you get right down to it, this is the same use they have for scientific inquiry. Arrive at a conclusion that aligns with your desired outcome, label it Settled Science or Settled Law, and then render that inviolable and brook no further discussion or investigation whatsoever that does not serve to buttress that conclusion.

    The Progressive movement has but one tattered and dog eared playbook, and cannot abide anyone who doesn’t go along with their agenda. It’s the same thing every time, no difference in kind, just a difference in which ludicrous demand, play for emotions and then throw a temper tantrum in the streets and threaten violence if they don’t get their way. If they do get their way then no one has any right to examine or criticize any aspect, particularly the lack of scientific rigor or sound judicial reasoning.

    They aren’t worthy of a modicum of respect on any level. They are infantile brats and bullies.

  10. I don’t give a flyin’ f*** if abortion was recognized by the court for the last 50 years.
    We had a citizenry and courts who knew abortion was despicable, for well over 150 years before R vs W was even a thing.

  11. Amidst all this shouting and screaming, I want everyone to please take sixty seconds to thank that miserable, execrable, gun grabbing, baby killing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg for not retiring before she died, and thus allowing President Donald J. Trump to nominate Justice Barrett to replace her on the Supreme Court. Now you are really Notorious.

  12. What’s odd to me is they were able to do this when they caved on so many other important issues?
    Help me out here.
    Somehow I’m suspicious of them doing anything correct in the future.
    But I’ll take the win that’s for sure.

  13. he insisted the nation’s highest court had made the “United States an outlier among developed nations”

    Like a beached megamouth shark.

    That’s… um… what’s the gender affirming word?… Oh, yes!


  14. This has Obama written all over it.

    High Cap (normal capacity) mags are illegal in California. So I want to make it perfectly clear, I DO NOT have 30, 30 round mags packed full of Black Out ready to go. And I damn sure don’t have a tactical vest ready to go with 8 more mags stuffed in it.

  15. Joe Biden and his organized group of racists, “real” segregationists, and discriminators have slyly taken pages from the evil Margaret Sanger’s how-to manuals and sick twisted creeds of how to kill off blacks without them knowing it. Margaret Sanger: “WE DO NOT WANT WORD TO GO OUT THAT WE WANT TO EXTERMINATE THE NEGRO POPULATION…” Following her sinister committment-scheme to kill all blacks and minorities via abortions is her warped statement of hope that some (black) minister somewhere will fool his black church followers (para).

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