Confirmed: Trudeau Is A Piece Of Crap – IOTW Report

Confirmed: Trudeau Is A Piece Of Crap

Justin Trudeau’s Vax Requirement Inhumanity Must Never be Forgotten.
Never forget, never forgiveTrudeau.

14 Comments on Confirmed: Trudeau Is A Piece Of Crap

  1. @RadioMattM June 26, 2022 at 3:35 pm

    > Why do the vax proponents have a hard time differentiating between choosing to be vaxed and being forced to be vaxed?

    Because they Know(TM) the lie of “agree to disagree” is just what the undergunned simper?

  2. ^^^Butt we all know it does not stop there! People like you do not know the meaning of, let sleeping dogs lie. So you get the push back. When you push a false narrative, then everything becomes a false statement.

  3. ^^^ WTH are you talking about? I certainly know the meaning of, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Dead children, murdered by abortion, or the jab, are not “sleeping,” and a humane society does not lie down and passively allow it to continue.
    And I know the difference between life and death. Also know the difference between proven, lifesaving, treatment and the unequivocally “false narrative” of a toxic gene altering procedure.
    I set before you life and death. Choose Life! – Jesus

  4. He’s just following the family tradition, it’s heredity.

    Castro killed 11,000+ Cubans.
    Little castro is trying to live up to Daddy’s legacy. He doesn’t have to balls to use firing squads, he just wants to use the jab.

  5. The Terrorist Trudeau, Phake Potus Biden, and other collaborators have profitted handsomely just as Biden hopes to profit hugely with his stock in electric cars and his continuous croaking in pushing the stupid things. The covid19 p(l)andemic was carefully orchestrated, given that covid19 was not naturally occurring. The purpose is for certain entities, orgs, businesses, and individuals to gain global control, power, and wealth while their supposed “vaccine-boosters” simply provides additional avenues of wealth for these monsters. Any “solution” offered by these horrid types is motivated by their greed and NOT for anyone’s health and well-being. Don’t think for one moment this is the last of their global health crisis, such as (prophetically) seen with their bogus monkeypox, polio, bird flu, adult-killing “syndrome” etc.

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