Republican Governor Wants This DEADLY “Loophole” Closed For Good… – IOTW Report

Republican Governor Wants This DEADLY “Loophole” Closed For Good…

Federalist Papers-

As abortion advocates try to find loopholes they can exploit to end the lives of the unborn, Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Sunday said her state has already closed one she will fight to keep that way.

And being peppered by clearly hostile questions from a mainstream media interviewer didn’t shake her resolution a bit.

Noem said that the moment the Supreme Court overruled the Roe v. Wade decision on Friday, a South Dakota law took effect that made abortion illegal in South Dakota except to save the life of a mother.

During an appearance on the CBS show “Face the Nation” Noem said South Dakota has a ban on so-called telemedicine abortions, a workaround in states where abortion is restricted by which a woman finds an online doctor or uses the phone to get an abortion pill shipped to her home.

“I brought a bill that would ban telemedicine abortions, which means a doctor off the internet or over the phone could prescribe an abortion for an individual because these are very dangerous medical procedures, a woman is five times more likely to end up in an emergency room if they’re utilizing this kind of method for an abortion. So, it’s something that should be under the supervision of a medical doctor and it is something in South Dakota that we’ve made sure happens that way,” she said.

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6 Comments on Republican Governor Wants This DEADLY “Loophole” Closed For Good…

  1. Don’t know about her stand on transgender sports, but she has always come off as solid conservative anytime I’ve seen her speaking. Also she is by far the hottest Governor in the USA. Inspires Rock Hard Conservatives like me.

  2. Most baby killing elites will never get closer than 35,000 ft of any flyover state. Why should they even care what goes on there? It’s not like they going to fly into Pukwana SD for that late term abortion.


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