Study: Teen Cannabis Use Rose, Mental Health Declined in States With Fewer Legal Restrictions – IOTW Report

Study: Teen Cannabis Use Rose, Mental Health Declined in States With Fewer Legal Restrictions

Just The News: States that have legalized marijuana have seen increasingly strong THC products and a rise in mental health issues among teenagers, a newly released nationwide study reports.

The Drug Free America Foundation authored the study, given first to The Center Square, which reports on “an association between adolescent cannabis use, the use of high potency cannabis products, and increased risk of psychosis.”

The study, also commissioned by the group Johnny’s Ambassadors, said that states that have loosened restrictions on marijuana have seen more use among teens as well as declining mental health.

“A difference-in-means test demonstrates that cannabis use is higher among all age groups in more highly permissive states, with 47 percent more monthly cannabis use among adolescents (ages 12-17) and 81 percent more monthly cannabis use among young adults (ages 18-25) in US states with fully legalized recreational cannabis programs than states where cannabis use has not been legalized,” the report said. “While cannabis use grew, subsequent raises in mean averages for major depressive events, severe mental illnesses, and suicidal thoughts all increased in more highly permissive US states.” more

20 Comments on Study: Teen Cannabis Use Rose, Mental Health Declined in States With Fewer Legal Restrictions

  1. They legalized medical marijuana in my state and the Chinese started buying up all of our land. They did it imo through cheating in the primaries. When they got it on the primary ballot I told everyone it would pass. I didn’t trust our election system before it was proven they cheat in 2020.

  2. The politicization of a fucking plant….I’ve seen it all now. It’s the blind leading the blind on both sides with this issue. IMO, all parties are beneath my contempt. Cluelessness runs rampant. It work for some things, but it is not a fix-all. However, it sure beats the fuck out of the man-made, lab created toxins they toss around like beads at Mardi Gras. And, hey geniuses, overuse of anything is detrimental in all cases. There has to be a balance or there is chaos. And the last time I checked, there was only one plant whose fruit should not be consumed. I find that interesting.

    Anyway, carry on you pathetic sub-creatures. Toodles

  3. “While cannabis use grew, subsequent raises in mean averages for major depressive events, severe mental illnesses, and suicidal thoughts all increased in more highly permissive US states.”

    Seriously? “… mean averages for major depressive events, severe mental illnesses, and suicidal thoughts …?” The mean of the averages, or the averages of the mean? Mixing apples and oranges, here. And how do we find the mean (or even the average) of suicidal thoughts? The Psychic Friends Network?

    Subsequent raises? Did the “mean averages” (whatever they may be) rise or were they “raised?” By whom? Or by what process?

    Smells like bullshit.

    Narcotizing our youth is (probably) a bad thing – but let’s stick to the facts.
    Outside of music and welfare, narcotized children have little hope for success – in fact, they have little hope of being able to concentrate on any given task for very long.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Everyone must get stoned! Soma anyone? Legalizing pot use was one of the worst things the left and all the loonie stoners has ever done to this country. I haven’t smoked pot since 1975 and never will again and I never thought that the shit would be legalized.

  5. Quite frankly I think this is sort of a chicken/egg conversation. If you were able to pull cannabis, other drugs, and alcohol out of this equation, you would be left with a sizable number of people with mental issues. I think in many cases the other drugs, cannabis and alcohol are simply crutches for people with issues.

    Aaaaaaannnnd the government couldn’t care less. Just like alcohol, they’re fine with it so long as they get part of the thirty pieces of silver that’s involved with it.

  6. Obviously if you make drugs easier to get (or subsidize anything) you get more of it. Hence the lunacy of passing out safe injection packets, tolerating drugged out people all over the streets and providing safe injection sites. But another consideration is most of these states are blue states that have other atrocious policies including locking down kids for years, forcing them into isolation, forcing them to wear masks, limiting sports etc. In 2020 there were kids in CO begging the Gov to no avail to let them go back to normal when suicides started adding up with no evidence of Covid being an issue for their age group. All ignored and some of those policies continue on. All that can add up to a lot of mental health issues and psychosis as well.

  7. Yes indeed. Not only that, but we are seeing more and more young people coming to ER with severe bouts of vomiting (AKA, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome). The THC levels are so high they are inducing vomiting and psych issues. But, hey, the state is raking in the dough.

  8. stop2think – I think some of that is because today’s Cannabis has mutated into something a lot more powerful than it used to be in the 60s and 70s or may be laced with something else!

  9. Legalization in Oregon started with “medical marijuana”, because “we need or medicine”, screened the progressives, and “it will NEVER lead to recreational marijuana”. Lies. Within a few years, after a sufficient number of slackers, dopers, and criminals moved in, recreational marijuana was on the ballot, because “it will be good for the economy”, and it will “reduce crime”. More lies. It passed. More losers moved in, more crime, and now the cartels are entrenched. Fuck you progressives and libertarians.

  10. TRF, that’s the same thing that I’ve heard that the new strains of pot are far more potent than the shit we smoked in the 70’s. I for one had enough problems with pot back then and don’t want to be another dumbass stoned baby boomer still smoking the new shit. God saved me from being a pot head and I’ve had a good life since 1975 and I’m not willing to jeopardize that (nor will let God let me) just to get a cheap thrill ever again.

  11. geoff – kinda the same thing here, although I just did it for the parties on the weekends. I had too many other interests to pursue that being high interfered with so it gradually tapered off with maturity. That’s also why I never drank to excess as well.


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