Lake Superior Twitter Account Advocates for Abortion – IOTW Report

Lake Superior Twitter Account Advocates for Abortion

Detroit Free Press

Although the Lake Superior account has been around since 2009, and has seen its fair share of viral tweets, its take on the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade on Friday has launched it to superstardom.

“This lake vehemently stands with women having the right to choose,” Lake Superior tweeted Friday. More

To paraphrase Gordon Lightfoot, “The big lake it’s said should hang its head for advocating the killing of babies.” – Dr. Tar‘s reply to the Lake Superior twitter account.

19 Comments on Lake Superior Twitter Account Advocates for Abortion

  1. “The hatred lives on from FakePresident on down
    In a Twit stream they call Gitche Gumee,
    Superior ’tis said rips up babies like bread,
    Or would if the Twit authors had
    Their wayyy”

  2. “Does anyone know where the love of God goes,
    When a babe in a womb’s torn asunder,
    The Communists say they’ll rename Whitefish Bay,
    As the innocent blood stains its waters,
    They might have crushed heads or they might have snipped spines,
    Or they might have just poisoned womb waters,
    Now all that remains is the guilt on the names,
    Of the wives that killed sons and killed daughters…”

  3. The abortistas have been hiding their motivation in the shadows and sniping at pro life advocates with what they thought would score them points among lazy and shallow thinkers… and they were pretty much correct in that assessment. This correction of what was obviously flawed insertion of a concocted right into the Constitution has drawn them out. They look at abortion as just another option for contraception, nothing could be more obvious. I’ve always said that “progressives” always tell you exactly what they are about. They also over play their hand.

    Anyone who doesn’t admit to being fully informed about their motivation at this point is lying. It couldn’t be more clear.

  4. @JD ~ you have to understand, the ‘progressives’ (‘regressives’ is a much better term to describe them) are, each & every one of them, convinced that now that they, since the moment that they arrived here on Earth, believe that everything that exists must be preserved for them! they are the most important entities that have ever been brought forth from Creation! all must be preserved for them! it is their right! (somehow … ever notice how everything they want is somehow a ‘right’? … actually, it’s no more than a ‘demand’)

    no living creature matters but them. they are the golden children. their existence supersedes all. all must be subjugated & exterminated to allow these enlightened beings to flourish in a pristine world of their imagining

    (quite hilarious, as they are incapable of manufacturing anything & rely on us Morlocks to actually build their dream of Ratopia)
    enjoy it while it lasts … you immoral creatures

  5. :Dons evening wear. Climbs atop soapbox .Lights cigarette. Waits for crowd to form:


    :wraps blindfold around eyes…smokes…waits for inevitable demise at hands of mob:

  6. @JDHasty June 30, 2022 at 11:31 pm

    > They look at abortion as just another option for contraception

    No. (And, please, stop lying for them.)

    There are other, more reliable, and much less difficult, methods of “contraception”.

    Killing babies, on the altar of capitalism, is the entire point.

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