Fauci Gets Rebound Covid – IOTW Report

Fauci Gets Rebound Covid

This is odd. Fauci had several ouchies, but took lots of doses of Paxlovid and he said “it did what it was supposed to do” by keeping the most severe symptoms at bay.

I thought that is what the jab was for?


Count Anthony Fauci among the victims of so-called “rebound” COVID. The 81-year-old doctor initially experienced “minimal” symptoms when he was infected with the coronavirus, but when they started getting worse, he was prescribed Paxlovid due to his age, the Hill reports. After the five-day course of the antiviral drug, Fauci tested negative for three days, but tested positive again on day four. He said, while speaking during a global health summit Tuesday, his symptoms at the beginning of the rebound were “much worse than the first go-around,” and he ended up taking Paxlovid again. By Tuesday (day four of the second five-day course, per ABC News), he said he felt “reasonably good.” Fauci tells the New York Times Paxlovid “did what it was supposed to do” by keeping the most severe symptoms at bay. 

After more than two years of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci is now fighting a coronavirus infection—though since he is, of course, fully vaccinated against COVID-19, he’s probably not in serious danger. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease said Wednesday that Fauci—the institute’s director and President Biden’s chief medical adviser—had tested positive on a rapid antigen test and is showing mild symptoms, CNN reports. The institute said Fauci, 81, is fully vaccinated and has received two boosters.


28 Comments on Fauci Gets Rebound Covid

  1. Is that like rebound homosexuality?
    The first time was an accident & the second time was just to Make sure you didn’t like it?


  2. Maybe they should put a hat on him and fill it with horse flies.
    Also, I thought the vaxxes and boosters were cures?

    But hey, enjoy the monkey pox, the meningitis, the Vaids, low sperm count, shingles, polio…

  3. Any reason fully vaxxed people keep dying? You know. It’s 261 a week….at least. Seems odd a vaccination would kill you. What do I know? I’m just citing data sets from Scientific American.

    9-1….as if. Cite your imaginary source or go get another booster shot. 5 seems to be the optimal number of shots if we’re to believe the people who keep moving the goalposts.

    Unvaxxed because I have a brain in my skull and not a bowl full of wet noodles like you do. Enjoy long term complications from your experimental government mandated chemical regime.

  4. You’re wasting the skin of the tips of your fingers Burr. That guy will not engage in an honest conversation. Pretty sure he has naked pictures of Fauci pinned above his bed on the ceiling.

  5. Truth. It’s really sad. I suppose it’s mean to mess with him seeing he’s in a delicate mental state, but he keeps telling people who aren’t vaxxed that they should die horribly and stuff. It’s so rude!
    Maybe his boosters had meth in them?

  6. If this POS dies before we are able to properly punish him for his transgressions, I’m going to be pissed.

    But I hope the motherfucker suffers until the day we get our chance.

  7. Ooh! You know what? There’s a biolab doing the same shit wuhan lab is doing in Manhattan, Kansas. It’s brand new and people have been calling it Wu-Hattan. It’s near cattle land.

    But no worries, right?


  8. You guys never had Hitler strength super clean chemically engineered speed. It’s fantastic.

    The stuff nowadays I wouldn’t go near with a chemical mask on. It’s rancid.Plus, there’s this crazy fentanyl crap everywhere. No thanks. At all.

    Give me what the German panzer corps took when they raced each other to Warsaw. It actually works.

  9. First of all, the Manatee in the picture was dressed provocatively and was probably asking for it.

    Second….it’s entirely possible I discontinued my Manatee brand Vodka as a result of this aquatic encounter.

  10. You know if that manatee had survived, Mantee brand Vodka would be on the shelves right now.

    Side note, no matter how much a manatee claims they are into S&M….they’re really not.

  11. @El Magnifico Cocaine is gay:

    You guys never had Hitler strength super clean chemically engineered speed.

    Au contraire! I was introduced to real speed in around 1967 by a friend whose brother was a Navy hospital corpsman. He’d send us (through the mail!) 250mg dark blue glass bottles labeled METHAMPHETAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE, USP. Brewed up by Merck. In powder form.

    It’s fantastic.

    Yes. Yes, it is.

    I’ve never had the nerve to try anything else, thank the Lord.

  12. WOW!!!!!! Now that’s a real tidbit of history. Dark blue glass bottles…. but that’s the real name of the good stuff.

    Mods used to take uppers but they were cut with something. When what’s his name stutters on My Generation, he’s giving a shout out to that culture because that’s how they talked when all wired up.

    The stuff I had was white…sorta a powder…you crushed it up a bit more. Came from the So.Cal desert made by magnificent Aryan sociopaths on two wheels.

    Had it for a few days. I stayed golden like Pony Boy. Later that year I tried some S.F. crap. Blech.

    And that was it. Why chase that dragon? The guys who made it wound up dead or in jail. Never will I see it’s like again.

    But damn….I sure do remember it.


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