Bayer Loses Again as US Supreme Court Allows $87 Million Roundup Award – IOTW Report

Bayer Loses Again as US Supreme Court Allows $87 Million Roundup Award

Bloomberg: The US Supreme Court let stand an $87 million award against Bayer AG, rejecting the company for the second time in a week as it tries to fend off tens of thousands of claims that its top-selling Roundup weedkiller causes cancer. 

The justices, making no comment, on Monday left in place a jury’s finding in favor of Alva and Alberta Pilliod in a California case. Bayer argued that a federal law precluded the suit and that the $70 million punitive damages award was so large it violated the Constitution.

The court last week rejected Bayer’s appeal in a case the company was trying to use to scuttle billions of dollars in potential claims. The company’s liability could be the full $16 billion it has set aside to resolve the litigation, according to Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Holly Froum. more

17 Comments on Bayer Loses Again as US Supreme Court Allows $87 Million Roundup Award

  1. Bayer really fscked themselves when they acquired Monsanto four years ago. Virtually all the events and activity now being litigated happened before that deal.

    Can you say “due diligence” Bayer lawyers?

  2. Now do Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and Astro Zeneca for crippling and murdering people with fake vaxxines, along with the bought and paid for incestuously employed FDA frauds, the “Doctor” shills that violated their oaths to get along, abd every fucking Democrat motherfucker in any role at all in government for forcing this bullshit on everyone.

    And don’t tell me you can’t sue.

    That only attained as long as they didn’t knowingly lie about the known risks on their EULA, and they demonstrably did, so fraud invalidates their legal immunity.

    And all the money in the world doesn’t make up for the fraud that invalidated people’s MEDICAL immunity.

    But it’s a start.

  3. The consumer grade “Roundup” they sell now is worthless compared to the old stuff. What started killing weeds within hours 30 years ago now takes a week to show any effect and many weeds are not affected at all.

  4. The US Supreme Court let stand an $87 million award against Bayer AG, rejecting the company for the second time in a week as it tries to fend off tens of thousands of claims

    I thought the “Germans” loved international New York raping them in the wallet?

    Somebody get Putin on the phone!

  5. $87 million. By the time the attorneys take their cut, the victims will get about $87.50 each.
    Meanwhile they keep diluting Round Up until it takes a gallon to kill one weed.

  6. I’ve used roundup (without drinking it) for years and do not (yet) have cancer….. not to say that I might die of something eventually… but.


  7. Jetro look up Oxbow it will kill most everything.
    It works real well on blackberry’s have used it, it might take 2 seasons to do the trick. Don’t need to tell you but read the instructions.

  8. Add the fact that Bayer Aspirin is less than useful and causees internal bleeding in the stomach plus DOES NOT prevent “heart attack”. All bogus.

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