Make Rifles Great Again – IOTW Report

Make Rifles Great Again

ht/ tony r

17 Comments on Make Rifles Great Again

  1. Real online home based work to make more than $14k. Last month I made $15738 from this home job. Very simple and easy to do and earnings from this are just awesome for details. For more detail visit the given interface.. Read more

  2. Sarah the Spammer & fake.
    Why isn’t she/it/? blocked from this site?

  3. @ cheryl JULY 7, 2022 AT 11:01 AM

    ARE the KKK. The Party of Woodrow Wilson and the Klan Bake, they are the Party that still privately reveres Margaret Sanger for her attempt to wipe out the black race and they are the Party that elevated former KKK leaders to national leadership and did so well past the turn of the century.

  4. KKK white supremacist hate group started after the civil war. Targets, blacks, jews, latinos, asians, catholics, native americans, as well as, immigrants, homos, muslims, atheists & leftists which = democrats.

  5. This guy has his facts together. Plenty of weapons and ammo. Democrats in KKK. You have this brother!

    Clarence Thomas remarked on the need of the 2nd Amendment rights, also, for newly freed slaves to protect their own from angered post civil war vigilantes busting through the front doors of their homes. As I remember seeing Thomas say words to that effect (TV). Couldn’t find it online though.

  6. Great ad! Excellent. However, blood thirsty Democrats aren’t hiding behind white hoods anymore they’re out in the open – masked and unmasked BLM, Antifa, Jane’s Revenge etc. terrorist Demwit organizations determined to eliminate conservatives. Absolutely, The Second Amendment is a Godsend for patriots to maintain our freedom.


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