Japan to start jailing people for online insults – IOTW Report

Japan to start jailing people for online insults

Posting “online insults” will be punishable by up to a year in prison time in Japan starting Thursday, when a new law passed earlier this summer will go into effect.

People convicted of online insults can also be fined up to 300,000 yen (just over $2,200). Previously, the punishment was fewer than 30 days in prison and up to 10,000 yen ($75).

The law will be reexamined in three years to determine if it’s impacting freedom of expression — a concern raised by critics of the bill. Proponents said it was necessary to slow cyberbullying in the country.

But there aren’t clear definitions of what counts as an insult, Seiho Cho, a criminal lawyer in Japan, told CNN after the law passed. The law says an insult means demeaning someone without a specific fact about them — as opposed to defamation, which it classifies as demeaning someone while pointing to a specific fact about them. “At the moment, even if someone calls the leader of Japan an idiot, then maybe under the revised law that could be classed as an insult,” Cho said. more

28 Comments on Japan to start jailing people for online insults

  1. They are preparing the people for what’s coming, Beijing rule, first Taiwan, then Japan.

    The sad truth is that the US is the last bastion of unfettered free speech. Both Canada and the UK gave up the notion long ago.

    And even here, codified and protected by our most sacred founding document, it is being nibbled at the periphery under the guise of “hate speech”, promoted by the most hateful folks in the country.

  2. just think if they passed this law in the US … & perhaps I call our current pResident in Chief a drooling idiot on-line (you know where this is going …). if I was brought up on charges, I would have the right to demand a Cognitive Reasoning Test of the defendant

    oops … I’d never be brought up on charges

  3. I found it interesting to read Jap car manufacturers were hamstrung too due to China not supplying ICs for their cars. The Japs have always prided themselves in having a 1000 year economic plan that will defeat the world rendering them the only remaining super power.
    If you’re aged enough, think back to the mid sixties with all the Jap Crap flooding our markets. Helux Toychota Pick Up Trucks. Poorly plastic injected toys for pennies. And then some asshole with a U.S. citizenship started giving them our technology. They own the Computer Numerical Control capital equipment market. A tool we invented. WTF over?
    Fast forward to China. Same deal, we hand them our technology. We need to find the gene pool responsible for this shit and eliminate every one of them.

  4. @Μολων Λαβε — Careful there, my friend! They could bring you up on charges and focus only on the “drooling” part and unless you’ve got video, you’d be outa luck!

    If you just call him an idiot traitorous little girl sniffing corrupt liar you’d be OK.

  5. Brad, regarding China, Bill Clinton gave China “most favored nation” status and that started the China ball rolling. I bitched loud and long about it at the time but nobody cared. Now this!

  6. Go ahead and insult the Japs in English with Japanese subtitles. And the slow sounds of all the action that was always out of sync with the dubbed soundtrack. Can you still believe that Godzilla is still around after nearly 70 years? Anime sucks and always will suck, I hate anime.

  7. WTF over?

    Totally cognizant of that. Who started Globalism? Nixon, Clinton, Bush. And all of their surrogates. Like fat bastard Carl Rove. Heard him on FOX early this morning talking about how no one wants Trump as President. Based on what asshole?
    Anyway, I’ve spent my adult life as an American Manufacturer and can tell you with all the confidence in the world, Globalists are probably our biggest threat.

  8. I just finished “Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila.”

    The fukkin Japs are the epitome of insult.
    Calling them bestial is an insult to beasts.

    Japan is an insult to humanity and to civilization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Carlos the Jackal July 8, 2022 at 8:26 am

    Shit like this may be why japanese politicians get shot.
    American politicians should take that to heart.

    Shit like this may be why Japanese politicians get shot.
    American politicians should take that to heart.

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