What Is a Woman? – IOTW Report

What Is a Woman?

15 Comments on What Is a Woman?

  1. What is a woman? Hmm. Raquel Welsh is a woman. Sara Palin, woman. Lauren Boebert, woman. Melania Trump, all woman.
    Oddly enough, there’s not one damn woman on the view.

  2. BENITO, the big Burrito.
    You know who reminds me a lot of CLAUDIA CARDINALE? Jessica Alba. That womanz is hot. Unfortunately she’s a big libtard. However I think if I kept her locked in m basement long enough, I could convert her. Not sure how that would go over with the wife. Probably not well. Plus she’s married and has a couple kids. Can’t imagine they’d be happy either. But the big road block is I live in Cali and don’t even have a basement. Dang.

  3. In a sermon some few years back Alistair Begg cited stats from surveys asking Americans if they agreed with relativism. He was comparing the objective truth of God’s word — even the idea of right and wrong — versus the notion that there can be many truths; that you can have your truth and I can have my truth, and we can both be right. The first survey came from the 1970’s, where 50 percent of those asked agreed with relativism. The same survey was conducted in the mid-1990’s and, shockingly, nearly 75 percent of those surveyed agreed with relativism. Even worse, 52 percent of Christians agreed with it.

    We’re living in a society now where a majority of people believe the absolute objective truth cannot be known because there is no such thing as an absolute objective truth. It should, therefore, come as no great surprise that at least 3 out of 4 people cannot say what a woman is.

    If you’re the one in a given crowd who does know what a woman is, be thankful for that. You still have a solid grip on reality and will not be easily duped.

  4. Alistiar Begg, “The Powwer of Proper Thinking”

    The section on relativism begin at about the 45:00 mark, but the entire sermon is very worthwhile.

    (As usual, I got the stat numbers wrong in my previous comment, but it’s been awhile since I heard this sermon. Mea culpa. Still, the numbers are too high for a sane society.)


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