Texans Told There’s Not Enough Wind to Run Their Air Conditioners – IOTW Report

Texans Told There’s Not Enough Wind to Run Their Air Conditioners


This is not The Onion or any form of spoof.  This is real life, and it is happening today.

Amid a heatwave throughout most of Texas, The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, is urgently asking Texas residents to conserve electricity because “it has projected a shortage in energy reserves Monday “with no market solution available.” Voluntary conservation is needed between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Monday.” More

27 Comments on Texans Told There’s Not Enough Wind to Run Their Air Conditioners

  1. But the Dems think that 100 million electric cars can just plug in to the grid with no repercussions. The energy needs of the US will NEVER be met by solar or wind power.

  2. If only there was a source of reliable, consistent power which didn’t emit any of those supposedly nasty “greenhouse gasses”.

    Let’s imagine one. We’ll call it “nuclear power” just for discussion…

  3. So lets build more of these useless fucking POS windmills.

    In the winter they freeze up and in the summer they can’t keep up. Texas is only sitting on nearly more oil & gas than anyplace on earth.

    Solar farms(you should have seen the one near Lamesa where I lived) that require tons of Chinese rare earth metals and these relic windmills that are out dated the day they’re fired up. Good thinking morons.

    Anyone that says this crisis isn’t intentional might as well quit inhaling oxygen better used by my parrot.

  4. Most of Texas is fairly high humidity and swamp coolers don’t work well in high humidity. Even where I lived in w Texas which is relatively lower humidity than say Dallas or n Texas, I can’t remember ever seeing one.

    But there sure were 100s of those fookin’ wind mills.

  5. Houston and Eastern TX, plus all along the gulf areas are swampy. So no go on the swamp/evap cooler. They don’t work once the dewpoint is above 55°. I think most movies depict Western Texas. And yes they have ruined a lot of landscape with the windmills. Eyesore by day, red flashing lights by night. Some say they don’t start up the fuel power plants because they pay less for the wind power. So it really comes down to being cheap. Just like that fiasco the other winter. It takes time to start the power plants so they gamble people’s lives and comfort away for poor or deliberate planning for cost savings perhaps? As if they can’t monitor solar activity and use the delayed impact to prepare.

  6. We are years, maybe decades, away from green energy being anywhere close to a viable replacement for fossil fuels. And even when the windmill/solar sprawl dominates the landscape, the only hope of keeping up with demand is to reduce that demand by at least 50%, probably more. But don’t worry, all the critical needs (of pols and celebrities) will be met. Sorry about your luck.

  7. Since getting my pilot’s license in Texas, I’ve flown in all seasons here, and Summer has the mildest winds of all the seasons. The highest winds occur when no one is using A/C.

    So-called “sustainable” energy is economically unfeasible, physically unfeasible, and is just another stupid fucking government imposed racket to trick people into gradually going back to a 19th century existences (if we’re lucky).

  8. Wind and solar are “low quality” energy sources. As mentioned above, supply is not where/when the demand is, nor leveled over the course of the days or weeks. You can’t store either very well, so yes use what you know and STOP trying to argue “greeness” of the solution as it requires you accept their premise that it is human activity caused.

    FLST (little spinny toys)
    FCPV (Chinese Photo Voltaics)

  9. You, as well as I, will eventually discover that most, if not all, of these proponents of “free” energy think:

    a) It comes, or will come, from the government (if only the government will believe them)

    b) Most, if not all, never had a serious science course in their educational life

    c) Are very stupid people thinking that, by coming up with an outrageous, yet unrealistic slogan/chant/belief, this will ascend them into some materialistic/political Sainthood (thanks, to the Internet and Lenin)

    d) A great way of attracting ass (because they are so progressive beyond our current generation)

    e) Have no idea what all their previous generational accomplishments have given them after many years of scientific, sacrifice/trial-and-error have bestowed upon them). NOTE: We ain’t gonna freeze this Winter because of you Internet IDIOTS!

    f) Fill in any additional comments.

    In conclusion, they need to study their previous generations’ gifts, and then confront them with their “progressive” new ideas(>), which are not proven inventions (usually, politically motivated). Otherwise, if our previous successful living generations do not see any effort or patents…do these stupid people a favor…ABORT these dumb asses. They seem to relish it…Just wonder how many future Iococcas, Eisenhowers, Fords, Teslas, Edgar Allan Poes, Beethovens their mentors have already sold body parts from.

  10. There is a chapter in “Atlas Shrugged” that is similar to this libtard interference in society “for the public good”, but it involved railway freight cars. Some idiots decided to move the rail cars away from the agricultural areas where they needed them to move the crops and livestock to the markets.

  11. One more thought.

    In the 80s, in a University library, I remember studying Nazi Germany during Hitler’s reign. Yes, there were similar “new Generational” Nazi youth pulling for Hitler during his successful youth educational system.

    Then, I saw a photo of a beautifully constructed Grand Piano (it must have taken years to assemble all the parts) splattered on the floor, and a Nazi Youth hammering it to death with a sledge hammer. I could see the past generations of Germany’s laboring generations splattered across that floor…

    It can’t Happen Here…It can’t Happen here…That photo. Sometimes it comes, again, even today in nightmares of what is happening to Our Country.

  12. @Jethro – Texas is Karst terrain… The tap water in many areas is > 35 grains hard. If you spray your condenser, you get hard water deposits that eventually block the airflow.

    It wasn’t too bad this afternoon. I don’t think it heated up quite as much as they were expecting. I was watching the Ercot page and most of the morning it showed the grid going into rolling blackouts around 2pm… It dipped down below 3500 MW reserves at one point, but they seemed to be extending a power plant somehow. The “10 minute start” reserve kept getting pushed out until the peak was past. -KR

  13. @ Jethro JULY 11, 2022 AT 6:03 PM
    Go outside and spray water on your AC unit. It dramatically improves the cooling efficiency.

    Jesus effn Christ Jethro, don’t you know that we can’t use water either? We need it to save the last three Spiney Demdick Suckers that may live somewhere in Texas, or somewhere. Quit using water for anything!

  14. pianamusic – we’re living off of 200+ years of the most incredible science and engineering that anyone can imagine or even fully comprehend, it’s so broad.

    But 80+ percent of the people have no clue about it except glib (and often wrong) junk they see on TV with people like Bill Nye The Science Wannabe and Niel deAss Tyson, etc.

  15. My little corner of Texas isn’t on the Texas Power Grid. I never lost power back when all the windmills were frozen. My electricity comes from a combination of natural gas, nuclear and hydro power.

  16. When you have an electric grid that depends solely on private commercial generation, and that the only time the cost of power goes up is during shortages of power, only an idiot would think they will always have adequate power.

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