Can You Smell the Whiff of Panic? – IOTW Report

Can You Smell the Whiff of Panic?

American Thinker:
By Christopher Chantrill

It was interesting to read last week that our Democrat friends are criticizing President Biden for doing nothing. Or rather, they are clamoring for him to Do Something to save their political necks — on the days when they are not avoiding him like the plague.

It does show what a bubble Democrats live in. For the past 18 months President Biden and congressional leaders have been working like mad to pass stimulus bills and Build Back Better bills in the multi-trillions, and the administrative state has been working overtime to bring fossil fuels to a dead stop.

If you knew just a little about economics, you would have been thinking: wow, pedal to the metal spending ain’t gonna look good on the inflation front. Stopping fossil fuels dead ain’t gonna look good on the gas station front. Democrats should thank their lucky stars that Manchin, Sinema & Co slowed the madness down a bit.

I realize that no headline Democrat has time between peaceful protests to get up to speed on economics, and that’s why nobody at Dem Central was saying, back in early 2021: Whoa Neddy! I guess all the relevant experts were busy recommending mandatory vaccinations at the time. more h/t NAAC.

12 Comments on Can You Smell the Whiff of Panic?

  1. We’re watching a movie. That’s all. Every move is scripted.and Trump even pointed it out when he warned of the 25th Amendment a while back.

    Does Trump EVER look like he’s concerned about anything working against him?

  2. hard to smell a whiff of ‘panic’ when the opposition controls the means of ‘election’ … anyone see Pelosi jumping ship? … don’t think so … she won’t tolerate being just another congresscritter … that’s the sure signal

    I pray there will come a day when we say, “no more!”
    sadly, that day has not yet come … not enough pain in our lives … yet
    (count on it!)

  3. “It was interesting to read last week that our Democrat friends are criticizing President Biden for doing nothing. Or rather, they are clamoring for him to Do Something…”

    That settles it. It’s high time Potatohead stops being the gentleman that he is (ask Mittens), roll up his sleeves exposing his masculine prowess, and march over to Putin and just bop him one !
    That’s the ticket!!

  4. Remember back in early 2020, when Trump had a lock on the election, and nothing short of a meteor strike could keep him from being re-elected?

    Yeah. Never underestimate the dems ability to steal an election.

  5. No worries. They told me to let enough RINOs win so we can blame everything for the next 2 years on “the Republican majority”, but they will only be ones we…uhh, Democrats… control.

    Key races will still be amazing last-minute Democrat wins.


    Imagine that!

  6. If we get the majority, Mitch and I are COMMITTED to reaching across the aisle, not opposing the Democrats because that’s not who we are, and being as quick as possible in approving every Communist that President Biden puts before us in the spirit of bipartisanship, while having intese investigations into Freedom Caucus members and investigations into Democrats for show that go nowhere and drag out till Democrats are in charge again.

    I’m Kevin McCarthy and I approve of the Democrat message.

  7. dipshit has done quite enough, thank you – other than resign & turn it over to Trump, I’d prefer he got locked back in Jill’s basement for the remainder of the insurrection.

  8. Pedo Dementia VonDipshit was asked about why 2/3 of his own party don’t want him to run.

    It did not go well. He charged the “jurno” in his usual dementia induced rage and yelled “Get your facts straight Jack” “94% said they would vote for me if I ran” as if that was any kind of explanation.

    Yeah Pedo, as if you will be nominated again, and win that nomination. Who elsr would they then vote for? PDJT?

    Shut the hell up you angry demented turd, ask yourself why 6% won’t vote for you.


    Resign or just pass away already you nasty cowardly sub human garbage creature.


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