Screaming Activists Occupy Ritzy Beach Towns – IOTW Report

Screaming Activists Occupy Ritzy Beach Towns

Daily Caller-

Left-wing activists affiliated with New York Communities For Change (NYCFC) launched disruptive protests over the weekend in several beach towns as part of the organization’s “#OccupyTheHamptons” demonstrations.

NYCFC protested on behalf of “climate action & green, social housing for all,” according to its Twitter page. Activists criticized wealthy Hamptonites as “directly responsible for the results of climate change” while sporting banners calling for governments to “tax the rich,” footage posted to Twitter shows. more

25 Comments on Screaming Activists Occupy Ritzy Beach Towns

  1. This is off subject, but maybe some smarter than me person can answer:

    This one brings to mind a question: many Latin based languages change gender of words according to who the subject is, i.e. hermano vs hermana.

    How does the left handle that?

    The left is so busy laundering money through Ukraine and clearing the tracks of freedom, that they can’t even hear the roar of the train upon them.

    Typical criminal snag and grab demoncrats.

  2. Funny thing is, many Russian aristocrats supported the socialists who raped and murdered them – same as these Hampton elites are doing.

    Force must be met with superior force. The maggots should be made to regret their impertinence – or – at least – the surviving maggots should be made to regret their collective impertinence. Anything less is tacit consent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. And in the twinkling of an eye, it was as if Monkeypox had never existed. Behold, the awesome power of the news cycle.

    Oh, it will be back, of course. Probably after an outbreak among the Hampton protestors.

  4. Now redirect any buses of illegals sent to DC to the Hampton’s and Martha’s Vineyard and see how quickly walls are built with security points to keep the rift raft out.

  5. “Free social housing”
    We have that, it’s called jail.
    I bet Uyghurs get free housing, well sort of.

    There might be a market for a people plow for the front of a truck.
    It doesn’t matter if you tax the rich, they will just add the added expense on the prices of their products. So the little guy still pays.

  6. Max… they will replace the “a” and the “o” with an “x.” Same way they did with the Latino/Latina gender distinction. So “hermanx” instead of hermana/hermano.

  7. So…..rising emissions promote climate change and rising oceans.

    Yet…..the super rich causing this….live right by the ocean. The same ocean and shoreline that has made that real estate so desirable in the first place for the last 100 years.

    Aw skip it. It’s just stupid wacktivists. Always gotta’ bitch about something.

  8. Max

    That is exactly the reason fir Latinx…

    It x’s out that Latino gender bias and opens the door for queers, trannies, nonbianarues and whatever other distorted perversion of gender the red diper dopers love.

    That’s why Hispanics hate the term. It’s now been replaced by an updated term to describe all Hispanics: “Taco”

  9. I want all the ‘activists’ and criminals to head on to the UMC through wealthy lefty enclaves. Tear down those gates, block those roads, protest and burn, BLM get it on with the smash and grabs as well. Greta, come squall, earth first, ALF, ELF, name the commie acronym, come out, come on and do that thang you do so well.

    That is how we will drive the virtue signaling leftist pukes with money into BRINGING THE COMMIE FREAKS TO HEEL. And, mark it well, when the destruction reaches them things will quickly change. Their virtue signaling is empty gesturing, vapid, brainless and incoherent. Nothing so concentrates the mind as the sight of the gallows (Rough paraphrase). Let them reap what they’ve sown.

  10. Typical zombie hordes never really know what’s going on. Their targets should be people such as the very-white and wealthy kkk-affilated Joe Biden & Racketeering Family, partially-white Kamala Harris and her White Husband, the white half of Obama and his blended kids all lavishing in pricey Martha’s Vineyard, half of Alicia Keyes and Lenny Kravitz, portions of Oprah Wimpy, Michael Jackson’s part-white kids, the top and bottom-heavy Kardashian’s kids, Markle the Jerkle’s half-white kids, and many more who are white-black blended.

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