DOJ “Force” DEPLOYING – New Mission Announced… – IOTW Report

DOJ “Force” DEPLOYING – New Mission Announced…


The Department of Justice announced the formation of a Reproductive Rights Task Force on Tuesday aimed at protecting abortion access and enforcing federal laws on reproductive rights, in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade last month (in a 5-4 decision).

According to a news release, the task force will be made of representatives from various DOJ departments — the U.S. attorney’s offices, the Civil Rights Division, and the Office of the Solicitor General.

The task force will be led by Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. She says the Justice Department is “committed to protecting access to reproductive services.”

On June 24, the Supreme Court cleared a path for states to restrict or ban abortion access.'”The Court abandoned 50 years of precedent and took away the constitutional right to abortion, preventing women all over the country from being able to make critical decisions about our bodies, our health, and our futures,” Gupta said in a statement.

More at Newsmax-

21 Comments on DOJ “Force” DEPLOYING – New Mission Announced…

  1. The new and unimproved Dept. of Injustice. Serving their lord and master Maloch no doubt. When is enough going to be finally enough? This is sick and evil beyond belief. And they wonder why I have no respect for them. If any believing Christians work for the new Dept. of Injustice they need to quit now.

  2. Honestly do not get it.

    Feds will enforce federal law in states that already support the federal law and in states that do not support the federal law that says the law can only be interpreted at a state level.

    Is this one of those ‘make money from your home computer’ jobs? Just don’t see federal swat teams forcing a doctor at gunpoint to perform an abortion in a federal post office.

    What exactly will this new multibillion dollar task force……do?

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  4. @Aaron Burr…my whole life has been overshadowed by these sick abortion fucks July 14, 2022 at 3:47 am

    > What exactly will this new multibillion dollar task force……do?

    Same thing the Insurrection(TM) task force does.

  5. The crime-infested and pretentious DoJ is trying to position themselves for grandeur, similar to that of the race-hater and illegit potus Joe Biden. Appears the Department of Just-Us weren’t paying attention when SCOTUS gave it all back to the states to deal with. And since WHEN did the Dept of Just-Us actually care about women at all, except to use and abuse women for DoJustUs’s preening and status sakes??

  6. Sounds like the DOJ is planning on overthrowing the Supreme Court.
    Sounds illegal to me to set the government’s law enforcement up to defy court rulings and the Constitution.

  7. “What exactly will this new multibillion dollar task force……do?”

    No doubt it will be setting up Abortion/Biodefense centers in New Gay West Ukraine.

  8. And what sort of institutions have been getting vandalized and burned down? Why, those that do not support abortion. But the DOJ is going to protect those on the side of those doing thr violence.

    This reminds me who, after horrific attacks by member of the Religion of Peace ™, the government rushes out to protect (usually after a Muslim broke a window in an Islamic institutionto show how picked on they are).

  9. Democrats worship The cult of the green new deal: the cult of abortion: the cult of BLM: the cult of CRT: the cult of open borders: the cult of covid. In other words, they are pagans. If they don’t worship at the foot of these things, they are not democrats.


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