Prayers – IOTW Report


illustr8r’s mother-in-law is in the hospital after getting a simple cortisone shot in her knee.

She’s been doing this for years, it’s never been a problem. After a week of pain, a misdiagnosis, a 7+ hour wait at a downtown Seattle ER with the city’s great unwashed, knee surgery to get the infection…she now has a staph infection and will be in the hospital 1-2 weeks. iOTWers are good with prayers, better than me, and are always uplifting. We could use a boost. – illustr8r

Thank you XXOO

39 Comments on Prayers

  1. Illustr8r and MIL, my mom went through something very similar just 2-3 months ago. Cortisone shots were routine for years. The only difference now is that she vaxxed and double boosted. She’s fine now, 85 years old and will probably out live me. Prayers and good thoughts to you, Mr. Illustr8r and of course your MIL!

  2. @Illustr8r, I will include your mother-in-law and you in my prayers tonight, though I’m not as eloquent as some here. Poor lady; what a miserable and frustrating experience.

    The super prayer army should be arriving soon! 👍🏻

  3. Ever since COOF, the incompetence of Doctors, who are out of in person practice (rusty from ZOOM calls) has been killing & injuring many persons.

    Sincere prayers for illustr8tr’s Mom.

    My mechanic has been to the “FREE” Canuckistan Emergency room 7 times in 2 weeks for his blown out knee ( 54 years old)

    As Horrible as it is currently in the USA, its not paradise up here where they think it is Free.

    Get better young lady.

  4. Sincere prayers for the mother of illustr8tr.

    For his blown-out knee, my mechanic visited the “FREE” Canuckistan Emergency department seven times in two weeks ( 54 years old)

    As awful as things are right now in the USA, up here, where they believe everything is free, it’s not paradise.

  5. Dear Lord, touch this family, help them through their hour of need, strengthen them to the burdens they must bear as they prepare to celebrate the life of a good woman and her unexpected time to be with her Lord. Give all who loved her the Blessed Assurance that absent from the body is present with the Lord, abd that she rests now in His arms,now and forever. We thank You Lord for the comfort You bring in this time and for the gift of Your Son that makes it possible that all may be reunited in Your Presence by and by.

    In the precious name of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,

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  7. “I know that You can do all things,”

    Job 42:1

    And I know that You can heal illustr8r’s motherin-law’s knee. Thank You Lord that You still do healing miracles as I’ve experienced first-hand. In The Name Of The Nazarene eliminate the infection. In Your Name, AMEN.

  8. My prayers go out.

    My mother, in her early 70’s (mid 1990’s) got a knee infection out of the blue (no medical procedures or injections involved). My dad (a retired MD) gave her IV antibiotics at home, and she had a long recovery with the “torture machine” (a motorized contraption designed to maintain range-of-motion) but she did recover after a few months.

  9. Your mom in law will be especially remembered at our holy mass on this coming Sunday. I will also write her name(mother-in-law) in our book of special intentions therefore the entire church prays for her
    our Lord knows her name……

  10. Illustr8or, I pray that you Mother-in-law recover quickly and rnjoy a long, happy, and blessed life.

    I also pray that you and your husband have peace and find strength in the prayers we offer to the Lord on your behalf.

  11. Thank you everyone! My MIL is quite religious lady and I know she will appreciate your kind words and the extra prayers. It all happened so fast and it is upsetting how a simple procedure has gone so wrong. Thank you again-day by day-I think things will be OK. We are staying positive. XXOO


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