Working Class and Hispanic Voters Are Losing Interest in the Party of Abortion, Gun Control and the January 6th Hearings – IOTW Report

Working Class and Hispanic Voters Are Losing Interest in the Party of Abortion, Gun Control and the January 6th Hearings

The Liberal Patriot:

White College-Educated Voters, On the Other Hand, Are On Board.

Democrats are betting on a small set of issues to mitigate their losses this November. Inflation may have just hit a 40 year high (9.1 percent) with concomitant recession risk but Democrats believe that campaigning against the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, arguing for more gun control in the wake of recent mass shootings and highlighting Trump’s anti-democratic malfeasance through the January 6th hearings can turn the tide in their favor.

It is true that recently the polls have tightened a bit in the Democrats’ favor (though some of this could be the eagerness of motivated Democrats to be polled). And there is general agreement that Democrats’ chances of holding the Senate are much better than their chances of holding the House.

Recent data indicate that success for the abortion-gun control-January 6th strategy, to the extent it is working (and might work in the future) is attributable to those voters for whom these issues loom large and are less likely to be influenced by current economic problems. Such voters are disproportionately likely to be college-educated whites and it is here that Democrats have been demonstrating unusual strength.

9 Comments on Working Class and Hispanic Voters Are Losing Interest in the Party of Abortion, Gun Control and the January 6th Hearings

  1. Don’t forget… The Party of LatinX, a term which Hispanics overwhelmingly hate but the democrats keep using as a bow down to the militant faggots and perverts who run the DNC now.

  2. They’re also losing interest “In This Time Of War”, and they’re not buying into “everything is Putin’s fault” either. But the “Liberal Patriot” gingerly side-steps these issues, or anything to do with the abysmal economy, because he knows there is no good news there for Democrats.

    But college-educated dolts, by a large margin, prefer Democrat credentialed cretin Humanities majors to run the country, so there’s that.

  3. “… may have just hit a 40 year high (9.1 percent) …”
    May have? 9.1%? Absolute Bullshit.
    Definitely hit a 40 year high and definitely way over 9.1%.

    Why do they continue to repeat this obvious fabrication (lie)?
    9.1% isn’t even close – but I guess the maggots think that sounds better than the facts. The FED causes inflation, not Putin. Print more worthless money; get inflation. Gov’ts cause inflation, not wily dictators half way across the world. Basically, (as I understand it – and I’m NOT an economist – I’m a retired plumber) inflation is the devaluation of the currency – more dollars chasing fewer goods – so, the gov’t constricts the flow of goods (see Buttigieg), the FED prints more money – and voila! – the United States in on the Highway to Hell – same as when that asshole Carter was in office.

    There’s a malignancy in DC that needs to be excised.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ^ And wind mills, electric cars, bicycle lanes, hugging trees, climate change, bad Russians, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, tent cities, the homeless, drug kiosks, free needles, safe spaces, pandemics, lockdowns, forced mask wearing, vaccine mandates, Internet censorship, election stealing, save the whales and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  5. “Losing Interest In”?
    How can you lose interest in what you were never interested in (DildoCrats), in the first place?

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