Forget Monkey Pox – This Is the Real Killer – IOTW Report

Forget Monkey Pox – This Is the Real Killer

HT/ C. Steven Tucker

7 Comments on Forget Monkey Pox – This Is the Real Killer

  1. I’ve listened to a few historians recount the Fall of Rome. I feel like I’m living back in those days, except this time, Jesus the King will be conquering the World. Every eye shall see and every knee will bow. I’m tired of the disease killing America.

  2. I heard a few today say COVID is back and escalating. I just looked at them and said I had enough of the fear factor. I will not stay locked up again.

    You are right about Donkey Pox – Talk about Jackass disease! That is what they all are for following this mess to destroy America.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  3. God gave us the Earth.
    God gave us Free Will.
    To both the evil and the good.
    When the evil win over the slothful, the ignorant, and the mindlessly passionate (retarded) among us, the good are overwhelmed and governance becomes … this – where greed and corruption are the mainstays.
    Maintaining decency in this World is OUR appointment.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil is that good men do NOTHING.”

    Good men are fighting the good fight (metaphorically – a passive “fight” of words and ideas), but it appears to be too little.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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