Jerry Nadler Gets Desperate As Primary Challenger Takes Commanding Lead – IOTW Report

Jerry Nadler Gets Desperate As Primary Challenger Takes Commanding Lead

SlayNews: New York Rep Jerry Nadler is getting desperate as his primary challenger has a huge financial advantage heading into the August 23 primary.

Nadler got screwed in the redistricting process and now has a tough primary against Dem incumbent Representative Carolyn Maloney. Maloney is one of the richest members of Congress.

She loaned her campaign $900,000 in the second quarter to give her a massive lead over Nadler heading into the primary. And in real bad news for Nadler, she has plenty more where that came from.

Maloney has $2 million in the bank heading into the primary with the ability to bury Nadler under the weight of her fortune if she needs to. Nadler is limping into the finish line begging small donors for dollars.

“There was never a doubt that I would continue to fight for the people in my district,” Maloney said of the race in New York’s 12th Congressional District.

“Thus, I decided to use some of my retirement savings to invest in this campaign.” more

19 Comments on Jerry Nadler Gets Desperate As Primary Challenger Takes Commanding Lead

  1. Lesser of two evils. Maloony beats Jabba. NY just loses one of these idiots. In any case, with red wave, he won’t be chairman of judiciary committee.

  2. She says she is willing to use her retirement savings in order to get re-elected. Of course she is. Her political office IS her source of retirement funds.

  3. Poor Jerry Shits his Pants..

    Diaper up you corpulent commie cretin. Your influence peddling opportunities are at an end.

    At least one congressional cat turd hits the litter box of history.

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving wretch.

    Fuck you Jerry and take the Pedo with you. Demonrats are vile creatures.

  4. beachmom
    JULY 19, 2022 AT 9:12 AM
    “One leftist replacing another.”

    …it is, but it’s still kind of enjoyable to watch Eyebrow The Impeachment Manager get plucked from his supposed powah by his own kind cannibalizing him. His kind feeds on power and will starve without it. May he try to comfort himself with increasingly dangerous homosexual kink practices with Adam Schiff until both of them are found dead in humiliating positions from a murder-suicide from the despondent traitor Nads Of Shartland.

  5. I still find it strange that, as I recall, the original campaign finance laws were intended to keep rich people from “buying” an office.

    The laws morphed in to allowing rich people to use their own resources to get/give “loans” to their campaigns. After the election, people can give “donations” to help pay off those loans. Those “donations” to pay off loans are not counted as campaign contributions, so no reporting is required. The Democrat who did that is then congratulated for not resorting to campaign contributions to win election. That is what Maria Cantwell of Washington did thirty or so years ago. That is what looks like is going to happen here. I would say, though, that it would be worth it to get Amy’s Uncle out of Washington.

    Just how do people expect those “loans” to be paid off?

  6. @cheryl July 19, 2022 at 11:29 am

    > I don’t care who replaces him because that lying fuck happily impeached an innocent man.

    “Innocent” xen do not swear allegiance to The Party.

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