CNN DOCTORED Ted Cruz Footage – IOTW Report

CNN DOCTORED Ted Cruz Footage

It’s funny that whenever James O’Keefe’s name is mentioned the left throws in that O’Keefe is known for his “highly edited” videos or some such bullshit characterization. They imply that he should never be taken seriously ever again because he never wore the pimp suit inside ACORN offices (the one he wears with Hannah Giles in the b-roll of his famous footage.)

It’s all projection.

Daily Caller-

CNN Edits Clip Of Ted Cruz Saying Gay Marriage Ruling Was ‘Clearly Wrong,’ Left Out What He Said Next.

CNN excluded a portion of a clip Monday in which Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz outlined the consequences of overturning the right to same-sex marriage.

Cruz admitted during Friday’s episode of “The Verdict with Ted Cruz” that he believed the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges was “clearly wrong” based on the Court telling states they must legalize same-sex marriage. “CNN Newsroom” played a 16-second clip of his statement further calling the decision “overreaching.”

The senator explained if the Court is considering overturning a precedent, they rely on a “reliance interest,” which pertains to whether the law has followed this precedent accordingly. He said the Court does not seemingly have “any appetite” for overturning Obergefell.

“In the context of marriage, you’ve got a ton of people who have entered into gay marriages and it would be more than a little chaotic for the Court to do something that somehow disrupted those marriages that have been entered into in accordance with the law,” he said. “I think that would be a factor that would counsel restraint, that the Court would be concerned about. But to be honest, I don’t think this Court has any appetite for overturning any of these decisions.”

They sorta conveniently left that part out.

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5 Comments on CNN DOCTORED Ted Cruz Footage

  1. A “news” outlet “doctored” film? First time it 67
    years that is news! NOT!

    FAKE NEWS has been S.O.P. for 70 years as “El Rusbo” pointed out may times!
    Which is why MSM went “postal” when Don gave him the Medal!


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