20 Comments on Hypocrite John Kerry is a Massive Walking Carbon Footprint
Something tells me that walking is about .00001% of his travel!
As Jesse Kelly says, that doesn’t make him a hypocrite, it makes him a liar. He doesn’t believe the crap he’s spewing.
Hopefully a trip to a glue factory is in his near future.
“Why the long face, john? Oh. Never mind.”
Time for my RegisteredⓇ Rant –
Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the phony-baloney, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, Moisturizing Metrosexual Precognitive Meteorologist, Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome, still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune pedaling the false narrative Global Warming while investing in beach-front property while doing his best to be a swindling Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite!
“Come, Lovey, hop on the jet. We have a climate crisis to defeat. Winston! cancel our dinner reservations”
C’mon man, a little climate change is worth it to demand all you peons not do it.
Put him in a paperbag, put him on the doorstep of the EPA – set bag on fire, ring doorbell, & walk away.
More fake news. His actual flights are 3-4 times that amount.
Someplace new every 3-4 days and stays in 5☆+ hotels.
The Left are liars, not hypocrites. Though they can be hypocritical they are first and foremost liars. Pathological liars.
Whatever happened to that crazy wife of his, Theresa? Haven’t seen her act like she was just kicked out of a bar in quite awhile?
In the case of John Kerry, wouldn’t that be a massive carbon hoofprint?
It is obvious he’s not buying into the Globaloney Warming Bullshit Scam.
But then, none of the assholes pushing it “believe” in it – that’s for the moronic minions.
Just like socialism, communism, izlam, and all the other false religions out there – the high priests know it’s bullshit – but that doesn’t stop them from issuing diktats and collecting money.
Hell will be a little bit poorer when Kerry gets there.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I want to subscribe to TRF’s RegisteredⓇ Rant Newsletter! 😀
But, but, but he is vitally needed to stop everyone else from doing what he does!
– Whatever happened to that crazy wife of his, Theresa?
John Horseface Kerry “mustarded” her out of his political life.
Whoa Nelly!! Little Johnny Heinz sez he’s important, plus he buys carbon offset credits so everything is A-OK. The rest of you peons need to start taking the bus or riding a bike.
Bravissimo!!! Really!
The human form of liberal herpes. Just can’t get rid of him.
Something tells me that walking is about .00001% of his travel!
As Jesse Kelly says, that doesn’t make him a hypocrite, it makes him a liar. He doesn’t believe the crap he’s spewing.
Hopefully a trip to a glue factory is in his near future.
“Why the long face, john? Oh. Never mind.”
Time for my RegisteredⓇ Rant –
Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the phony-baloney, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, Moisturizing Metrosexual Precognitive Meteorologist, Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome, still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune pedaling the false narrative Global Warming while investing in beach-front property while doing his best to be a swindling Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite!
“Come, Lovey, hop on the jet. We have a climate crisis to defeat. Winston! cancel our dinner reservations”
C’mon man, a little climate change is worth it to demand all you peons not do it.
Put him in a paperbag, put him on the doorstep of the EPA – set bag on fire, ring doorbell, & walk away.
More fake news. His actual flights are 3-4 times that amount.
Someplace new every 3-4 days and stays in 5☆+ hotels.
List of international trips made by John Kerry as United States Secretary of State
333 from 2013–2017
He’s a walking SH-T print.
Liar, not hypocrite.
The Left are liars, not hypocrites. Though they can be hypocritical they are first and foremost liars. Pathological liars.
Whatever happened to that crazy wife of his, Theresa? Haven’t seen her act like she was just kicked out of a bar in quite awhile?
In the case of John Kerry, wouldn’t that be a massive carbon hoofprint?
It is obvious he’s not buying into the Globaloney Warming Bullshit Scam.
But then, none of the assholes pushing it “believe” in it – that’s for the moronic minions.
Just like socialism, communism, izlam, and all the other false religions out there – the high priests know it’s bullshit – but that doesn’t stop them from issuing diktats and collecting money.
Hell will be a little bit poorer when Kerry gets there.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I want to subscribe to TRF’s RegisteredⓇ Rant Newsletter! 😀
But, but, but he is vitally needed to stop everyone else from doing what he does!
– Whatever happened to that crazy wife of his, Theresa?
John Horseface Kerry “mustarded” her out of his political life.
Whoa Nelly!! Little Johnny Heinz sez he’s important, plus he buys carbon offset credits so everything is A-OK. The rest of you peons need to start taking the bus or riding a bike.
Bravissimo!!! Really!
The human form of liberal herpes. Just can’t get rid of him.