VIDEO – Putin Spotted With A “Limp” In New Footage… – IOTW Report

VIDEO – Putin Spotted With A “Limp” In New Footage…

Daily Wire-

Russian President Vladimir Putin looked odd as he got off a plane in Iran to meet with leaders, walking strangely with one arm hanging by his side as he swung the other wildly.

Putin hobbled along the red carpet and did not appear to shake hands as top Iranian officials greeted him.

The president has been plagued by claims that he has cancer or perhaps Parkinson’s disease. He has also been seen shaking uncontrollably and holding on to objects like desks and podiums for support. In addition, Putin has been seen looking puffy and bloated.

Sickly Putin hobbles along red carpet with his arm hanging limp by his side as he arrives in Iran for anti-West summit

— The Sun (@TheSun) July 19, 2022


10 Comments on VIDEO – Putin Spotted With A “Limp” In New Footage…

  1. “Sickly Putin” looks like Jack LaLanne (don’t pretend you don’t know who that is) compared to the decrepit enfeebled “walking dead and nobody told him” leader we got over here. And he is 3 times as popular with his people.

    But he does need to put those Pirozhki’s down, the buttons on his jacket could put an eye out.

  2. “But it is not worth hoping that Putin will die tomorrow. He has at least a few more years. Like it or not, but it’s true.”

    Consider your buzz harshed, neocons.

  3. He was walking fine and swinging both arms after he finished his conversation on the tarmac. Perhaps his foot went to sleep on the plane. It’s happened to me.

  4. probably got it from a kick in the knee by his horse
    … or bear wrestling again

    but hey, at least Pedo Pete can walk up stairs & stay on a bicycle … oh, wait

    (btw, ever been kicked by a horse? … hurts like hell … for days!)

  5. MOAON
    Had a horse run me up beside a fence one day,does that count.
    He or she was quite normal for the first hour then decided to take out the right side of my body.

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