Generic Republican Takes a Double-Digit Lead – IOTW Report

Generic Republican Takes a Double-Digit Lead

PJ Media

As the 2022 midterms loom ever closer, Republicans have increased their generic ballot lead by two points in the last fortnight. The latest Rasmussen Reports poll, released Friday, reveals that voters are ready to cast a ballot for Republicans over Democrats by a 10-point margin — 49% to 39%. This is a two-point improvement from the July 9 survey, which had generic Republicans up over Democrats by eight points (47% to 39%). According to Rasmussen, when asked, “If the elections for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate or for the Democratic candidate?” More

7 Comments on Generic Republican Takes a Double-Digit Lead

  1. Real online home based work to make more than $14k. Last month I made $15738 from this home job. Very simple and easy to do and earnings from this are just awesome for details. For more detail visit the given interface.. Read more

  2. Yippee McConnell and McCarthy (likely) in charge! So what changes? Or does the GOP suddenly get the full blame for the coming implosion of the economy, food shortages, gas at $10 and a depression all to thwart 2024.

  3. It doesn’t matter what the poles say.

    Polls 100 points of demoncrats and the demons will still win by 89 vs 11 points. The cheats are baked in.

    The power drunk demons are NOT afraid of a red wave.

  4. Thank all of you for your support. I promise not to loot the treasury and commit genocide after I’m selected for office…really…honest injun.

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