The Left is So Pleasant – IOTW Report

The Left is So Pleasant

Man assaults Canadian pro-life woman.

16 Comments on The Left is So Pleasant

  1. Not one word about this attack on the CBC internet site.

    The atrocious CBC is full of man-made climate change, indigenous people’s supposed subjugation, and LBGTQ…etc. IOW, full of shit.

    One of their lead stories was “Cost of Living does not overcome cost of Climate Change”…so forget about worrying about feeding your family, worry about the planet instead.

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  3. Two of the things you need for a Black Mass are the blood and flesh of an unbaptized child for a demonic parody of the Eucharist. That’s right; eat the flesh and drink the blood of an unbaptized baby. What better place to get it than at an abortion provider, an abort-toir?

    (That last word is a conflation of “abort” and “abattoir,” which is French for slaughterhouse.)

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