This is why you need a gun… – IOTW Report

This is why you need a gun…

26 Comments on This is why you need a gun…

  1. TIM FJB, my ancestral home county in Iowa is about as nonviolent as it gets. However, criminals released from custody or paroled manage to move through rural areas. The only two murders in my old county in the past 50 years were by career criminals from outside the area. And that is why I carry whenever I leave the house.

  2. I carry. Maine is the safest state in the country.
    Or was.
    The freedom destroying leftists have imported thousands of ne’er do well Africans who regularly steal from stores and have caused a rise in the crime rate so large people think it’s a typo.

    These people are animals. Uneducated, ignorant, low iq animals.

  3. The stupid, cowardly victim never even dropped his bags to defend himself. He never even attempted to block any of the blows or kicks. He took the beating that progressives told him he deserved. What a pathetic loser!

  4. Each individual is ,as the word implies, a separate Being, so I try hard not to always consider Blacks as animals as it is a percentage game. So as a race, Blacks deserve scrutiny when they approach due to a higher probability that you are going to have your head stomped upon…However, statistically, effected by law and the culture supporting law and punishment, the most murderous group is not based upon race and is, throughout the world, the sub human, genetically archaic Leftist. Humorless, lacking empathy, unable to comprehend reality and seeking safety through power, the Left is populated by killers and the less restraint in society against crime, the more ruthless the Left becomes. Nihilistic, given Power and a collapse in the corrupt legal system, a Democrat will kill masses of people into oblivion if, I carry a weapon, but recognize that Blacks are racially less murderous than the average Democrat of any color. Makes safety much more difficult to assess..

  5. I’m strapped at all times, except in bed and the shower for then it is within arms reach. Rural KY is known for its meth heads. (8 out of 10 arrests are for drugs)

  6. So if the victim had dropped the bags and pulled out a gun before the punching began, he would have been branded a racist and doxed; his life ruined.
    Once the first sucker punch was landed, he was stunned, and even if he was carrying, would have had no time to draw and fire. If he somehow managed to shoot and kill one of the thugs, now he enters the “Justice” system where the deck is stacked against him, the press paints him as a white supremacist, and the ghetto rats riot in the street

  7. If this guy had a gun, they would have just taken it. Not everyone would use a gun if they had one, and he’s a case in point. No threat assessment, no situational awareness, no reaction time, and as Dr. Hambone notes above, both hands were full so they knew at all times he could not defend himself. There was probably a ton of normalcy bias too, where this guy was focused on just the first guy and hoping he was asking for change, or the time, or something innocuous like that, and he may have been doing just that for misdirection. He didn’t realize his situation or even recognize a threat until it was too late, so if he had a gun they would have simply taken it. Even if he presented it he would have hesitated, and that would have got him dead.

    But let’s go the other way for a minute. Give him a gun and let him use it, same situation, same camera. What happens next?

    Well, he caps one or two assailants and the rest run off. Media finds out White shot Black and takes the footage out of context immediately. The ones that run off, maybe even the attackers he shot if he didn’t kill, get bookings to tell the world how he called them niggers and they were just asking for donations to a schlarship fund. If he did kill one we’d get the pictures of him as a 5 year old with Mama telling us how he was fixin to go to college and had a family. The police would arrest, the family would be doxxed, leading Black democrats would be outraged, juries would be intimidated, he’d be convicted under threat of riot and probably killed with little mention by Blacks in prison some time later, with his name used in Democrat gun banning legislation forever after as an example of a White Racist who Government needs to deny a gun.

    Guns solve the immediate problem IF you’re aware and have the nerve, but cause a thousand political ones that the “good guys” with guns will arrest you for. You will get no fair trial and the media will see to it you lose in the Court of Public Opinion. Better if you don’t shop in Black areas and stay out of Black neighborhoods and don’t even drive through heavily Black communities because there is no law any more, only politics, and White people are to be persecuted by politics at all times.

    Shooting thugs won’t fix it.

    Shooting politicians in large numbers is the only way to even start to.

  8. Missouri proudly boasts of more meth labs per capita than any other place on Earth.
    I keep firearms in just about every room in the house (not in the toilets, too much humidity) and in the garage – just don’t carry – too many people need killing and I don’t want to be that guy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If you see two or more of them approaching like those in the video, turn sideways and place your hand firmly on the grip of your firearm. Just one, you’re probably safe.

    Never let your guard down when they are around. If possible steer clear of them.

    Oh yeah. Gun: Don’t leave home without one.


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