Flip-Flopping Fauci Says Once Again That the Masks Most People Wear Do Nothing – IOTW Report

Flip-Flopping Fauci Says Once Again That the Masks Most People Wear Do Nothing

Maskholes who argued with us will never concede that they are know-nothings. People dig their feet in on an issue because they don’t want to believe that they are morons. Who would?

Oh, by the way, Fauci is a weasel, at best.


“If I knew in 2020 what I know now, we would do a lot differently,” said Fauci in an interview on Monday. “The insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm, and there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you.”

Fauci made these remarks during an interview on Rising, the news show I co-host for The Hill. When asked about the return of mask mandates in various parts of the country, Fauci conceded that the cloth masks that most people were required to wear indoors throughout the pandemic do not substantially prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

“Right now, we are very, very clear that masks do work in prevention of acquisition and transmission,” said Fauci. “But you’ve got to get a well-fitted mask that is of a high quality. And the two we know are high quality are N95 and KN95.”


10 Comments on Flip-Flopping Fauci Says Once Again That the Masks Most People Wear Do Nothing

  1. Fauxi isn’t a “flip-flopper” – he’s a fukkin liar.

    No mask (which you can breathe through) will stop a virus – and he is well aware of that simple fact. The man is EVIL. He is one of Satan’s emissaries.

    Anyone who spreads that kind of dis-information (lies) so consistently is not making mistakes – he is consciously, with malice aforethought, deceiving.
    And deceit is Satan’s domain – the Father of All Lies.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah … I know – Satan doesn’t exist – and neither does Evil – Psychology is our new god and lies told in the pursuit of money are A-OK.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s more than that. An exhaustive Johns Hopkins study found that cloth masks do nothing to prevent the spread, nor do surgical masks. N95-type masks reduce the spread by about 3% when worn loosely – which is how nearly every person you see wearing one has it on. A properly-fitted N95 mask takes a few minutes to put on, you throw the mask away when you are done, and if you wear it for several hours as many medical staffers did you have a variety of marks all around your face. And that is about 50% effective.
    Ventilation is the key. Proper ventilation is far more important than mask wearing, and makes masks unnecessary. That’s why the airline CEOs said they weren’t necessary on commercial flights, even with a couple hundred people in close quarters.

  3. “Flip-Flopping Fauci Says Once Again That the Masks Most People Wear Do Nothing ”

    But they’ll still demand that we wear them because it’s the compliance that they’re after, not the efficacy.

  4. This evil, mass murdering communist death democrat imp from hell needs to have a mask consisting of 1 inch thick plastic shrink wrapped around his head to prevent any transmission of air until he stops moving.

    Remember this pond scum is worshipped as a medical god by the media and in the course of working for the government is a multimillionaire in spite of his crimes against humanity during the aids pandemic and now the Chinese Wuhan Bioweapon Flu attack on the United States.

    His shelf life is decades past the expiration date.

  5. If we’re lucky enough to finally see at least one instance of real justice in this country in our lifetimes, perhaps fauxci can be forced to wear a mask as he mounts the gallows. Same for Birx. Hers can be a scarf over her face.


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