The Harridans on the View Got Rebuked by Their Own Legal Department – IOTW Report

The Harridans on the View Got Rebuked by Their Own Legal Department

American Thinker

By Andrea Widburg

Turning Point USA had its summit in Florida last week, and, predictably, a lot of manifestly fake Nazis showed up, to imply that American conservatives, who are dedicated to individual liberty, are in fact National Socialists, who are, well, socialists.  Only very stupid people would believe that this small group with their fresh-out-of-the-package banners were Nazis — and that brings me to the gals on ABC’s The View.  Their credulous opinings were so bad that ABC had to read a statement rejecting their assertions about Turning Point USA.

As you may recall, members of The Lincoln Project, an ostensibly “Republican” organization that espouses such values as being anti-Republican, pro-abortion, and very pro-Biden, tried to smear Glenn Youngkin by pretending to be a white supremacist brigade at one of his rallies.  Last week, another leftist organization tried to do the same at the Turning Point USA summit.

Despite the obvious fakery of those young Nazis — and again, it bears endless repeating that real Nazis were proud leftists — the ladies of The View found the whole thing extremely credible.  Joy Behar compared Gov. DeSantis to Trump in thinking there are good people among Nazis, words that I can guarantee DeSantis has never thought, let alone said.  (Words that Trump never thought or said, either.)  Ana Navarro then said Behar may have gone too far with DeSantis, but Behar was definitely describing Trump.

We expect that kind of ignorance and sheer nastiness from the viragos of The View.  What made this time special is that ABC legal was so worried about Turning Point USA suing that it had one of the shrews read, on air, a legal note walking back all the garbage those harridans spouted. more here

6 Comments on The Harridans on the View Got Rebuked by Their Own Legal Department

  1. There ARE good people among the Nazis – Joey Biden, Schmuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Fauxahontas Warren, Nazi Pelosi, Adam Schitt, Tony Fauxi, George Soros, Bill Gates, B. Hussein Obola, Kamelho Harris, Jim Comey, Bill Barr, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Jim Clapper, John Brennan, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, that rich baldheaded asshole, David Axelrod, Alejandro Mayorkas, Mad Max Waters … maybe not good people, but ALL good Nazis!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m at that point where I fail to see the edification of discussing stupid things stupid people say when expressing their stupid opinions. Stupid people gonna stupid, that has been abundantly clear with that show full of bitter fuggly stupid women(?) years ago.

    And wasting good ink or bandwidth on bad anything, even a bad TV show that has been beyond laughing at and ridiculing only increases its relevance and legitimacy. Ignoring them is the only proper response.

  3. I’m supposed to indulge the hallucinations of somebody who believes that screaming “NAZI!” — honestly, not fakely — should make me indulge their hallucinations?

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